Food I HATED as a kid, like/love it today...

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Executive Chef
May 19, 2011
va by way of upstate ny
it's still hard for me to reconcile my picky-eater-kid-self of yesteryear with the "foodie" of today who is hard pressed to name a single food she won't eat. here are just a few of the things i would not touch as a child - and spent many long sessions seated at the table after meals as a punishment for it:

stuffed peppers
olives - i wouldn't eat one for a dollar! (big money, once)
blue cheese
sweet potatoes
fish, of any kind

what are some of yours?
I still hate bluecheese lol. when i first had mac n cheese at 16 yo I almost threw up, but now I can eat a lot of it.
Mine would be the opposite now.

The food when I was a kid I love would be The jelly and Peanut butter in the same Jar.

Now I hate it as an adult.

That's pretty much it that I can recall right now.
Me in blue :)

it's still hard for me to reconcile my picky-eater-kid-self of yesteryear with the "foodie" of today who is hard pressed to name a single food she won't eat. here are just a few of the things i would not touch as a child - and spent many long sessions seated at the table after meals as a punishment for it:

liver- I loved beef liver and still do, but won't eat chicken liver and never have. Just don't smother the beef liver in onions. Floured and cooked in bacon grease is just fine.
stuffed peppers- I never ate anything stuffed as a kid. No peppers, no pigs in a blanket (golumpki/cabbage rolls), no stuffed pork chops even. I would eat a chicken dinner, but not a stuffed cornish hen... Gawd I must have been nuts. :LOL: Love 'em all now.
olives - i wouldn't eat one for a dollar!- As a kid, only black, now black, green, anything...
yogurt- I don't believe yogurt ever entered the house as a kid. And I'm just starting to use it in sauces now.
blue cheese- As a kid I never touched any cheese with a smell to it. Maybe baby swiss. Now, bring it on.
cheesecake- I was chocolate cake with chocolate frosting only. Pretty much still am, because I just don't get into cakes or pies. Not a dessert guy, but I have dabbled.
sweet potatoes- Blech. I tried them just a month ago or so even. They look good, but way too sweet (for a potato) for me.
fish, of any kind- I always ate the basic fish. Nothing raw as a kid (basically just oysters back then) and I have eaten sushi, but I'm not exactly living in the sushi/fresh seafood mecca of PA here :LOL: So I'm saying I never developed a taste for raw fish. You won't see raw fish on my five foods I can't do without list. ;)

what are some of yours?

Keeping in blue...
Basically green veggies.
As a kid I would not eat peas, asparagus, B sprouts, cabbage (cooked) and my parents could not outlast me at the table either :angel: I still remember sitting at the table with a plate of peas in front of me :LOL:
Blech on lima beans, too. And you won't find any in my pantry or freezer today.
Oh, leafy lettuce. I'm only now OK with eating romaine. And that's only because I like to have some onhand to grill. It seems to last longer than iceberg. No leafy lettuce as a kid though. I guess I liked anything green I was eating to crunch.
Meat (including chicken) of any kind with any perceived fat on it. Other than bacon. One type of food even touching another on the plate. All foods had to be separated.

Now I put together the strangest combinations, and like my meat well-marbled.

I continue to dislike Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes and liver.
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Peas. I still can't stand them if they've been frozen unless they are leftovers from canned. I admit they are pretty, but the texture is too mealy for me.

I never had chick peas as a youngster, but they have the same unpleasant (to me) texture.
Butternut squash. It used to make me puke. Now I love it.

There are lots of things I still hate. That's another subject.
My childhood dislikes are still dislikes. And I have tried them in new and different ways.
i still won't eat liver. we had a large garden and we ate everything we planted. there was no such thing as refusing to eat something. we had a spoonful of things we were unsure of and were required to eat it. i think that i why i like most food in my adult years.
I do not eat bananas--these were one of the "staples" growing up. I do not make spaghetti--"if it's Monday, it must be spaghetti" unless I'm in MN and cooking for my parents (and only if it is Monday <g>). I do not eat pears--hate the texture and smell, but I will drink pear juice. And, I do not eat sardines or canned peas, beans, or carrots. These were all foods I ate growing up--I ate everything growing up except smoked eel and lutefisk. But now that I'm an adult, I don't have to eat the things I don't like or make dishes of which I have already eaten my lifetime share. I also rarely eat peanut butter unless it is after 11:30 a.m. and it is fresh-ground, peanuts only. But I'm really not a fussy eater--one can skirt around those foods for which one has an aversion or doesn't like. I just don't buy/make foods I don't like.
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i have a very hard time trying to recall what i didn't like as a kid. i was always an adventurous eater and loved everything my mom and friends' moms cooked.
from liver, to snails, to raw clams and oysters, to all kinds of veggies, i'd eat whatever was offered and enjoyed it all, almost.

but like princess fee, i disliked certain foods back then, and still do now no matter how they're cooked. lima beans are one; same goes for big army peas.

hmmm, ok, i thought of one. i remember seeing sushi for my first time when i was a teenager and thought you'd have to be nuts to eat raw fish. i wouldn't touch it. now i have it almost once a week.
I came from a "meat and potatoes" type of family. Like Babe said, we were not allowed to refuse offerings, and the dog did not like anything green, so we ate it. I rarely had any kind of ethnic foods, including spaghetti, until I was in high school. Like PF, my tastes have not changed much. I've always been pretty adventurous in trying new things, while most of my family is not. Unsure why.

I'm fortunate to have had a family with a huge garden and lots of fruit trees. Everything we had was grown locally and without pesticides. :) If only I had known then what a treat that is! Also, my father was a milk man, so we had yogurt when I was the only one in grade school who took it for lunch.

I love the flavor of ham, but too often ham has a wet/slick texture that I cannot endure.

I love milk with sweet things, but not at all with things that are not sweet. (My parents eventually learned that I would drink milk when it came with an Oreo.)

I never could brave sweetbreads or marrow dumplings. I'd probably like them, but have never been brave enough to try them. I've never had rabbit because the thought of eating them makes me cry. They are too cute - en par with kittens. These thoughts are probably still juvenile, but I think it keeps the inner child alive. :)

lima beans were a vegetable i thought to be mealy and unappetizing until i first had them fresh from someone's garden and they instantly shot up to the top of my favorite veggies list. unfortunately, they only show up for a brief time near the end of summer at farmers markets, and some years not at all. frozen limas are NOT an acceptable substitute. if ever you come across fresh limas in your travels grab them up quick - you'll be pursuing them ever after, or even growing them in your own garden next year.
funny you should say that vit, but my son brought home this year's "earth studies" project from school, and it was lima bean vines!!! :ermm:

my wife, knowing my abhorrence of them, laughed as he handed me the little cup with sprouting beans and couldn't wait until we planted them in the garden together. lol.

i have tried them fresh and they were only slightly less gag inducing, but we'll see. i'll give it another try for nothing else than the love of my little guy.
i'm working on a poker face for when i try "his" beans...
Funny so many say lima beans. I HATED then as a kid. Most beans for that matter. Now I couldn't live w/o beans. Legumes make up at least half my proteins.
I wouldn't eat olives,tongue,kidneys, bananas, and the whites of an egg unless the egg was scrambled. Still don't eat tongue or kidneys but I eat liver, hearts, brains etc......
When I was a kid I refused to eat green beans. I remember sitting at the table for hours with a tiny serving of green beans in front of me. I couldn't stand them. I don't remember when or how it happened but I learned to like them and now can't imagine not serving and eating them.

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