For all of you who have seen the movie CHEF and liked it

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
Have any of your seen the the Netflix series " The Chef Show" ?
Its basically a spin off of the movie.
John Favreau, and the chef that trained him for the movie spend time in the kitchen cooking things from the movie, and bring in other chefs cooking other cuisines.

Its very informal, kinda like an unscripted bunch of friends just spending time cooking in a kitchen. You dont get any true recipes out of it, but just the camaraderie in the kitchen, and the fact that theyre not tying to sell you anything is what I like.

If you haven't seen the movie, not sure you're appreciate it as much as if you did see it.

not sure if anyone else would like it, but I do :)
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I watched the first episode yesterday..

I didn't have a lot of interest in "pepper pot" but, really enjoyed the Cubano and grilled cheese sandwich demos.. :yum:

The interaction between Chef Roy Choi and Jon Favreau was fun too.. :)

I watched the first episode yesterday..

I didn't have a lot of interest in "pepper pot" but, really enjoyed the Cubano and grilled cheese sandwich demos.. :yum:

The interaction between Chef Roy Choi and Jon Favreau was fun too.. :)


I agree, the pepper pot was a slow start, definitely picked up
I did like how they made it way too spicy and they couldn't hide how much they really weren't crazy about it.

Im tired of typical cooking shows tasting everything as if it is the best in the world. I like seeing brutal honesty every now and then.

And I also agree with the interaction between Roy and Jon. Its like two buddies who enjoy cooking, cooking and exploring together.

Its not that its a ground breaking show, it just seems down at a level where it could be you, me or anyone in the kitchen just having a good time.
It's a great show. Lots of fun.

Best one is when they make the beignets and they end up terrible. You don't usually see that in cooking shows. Especially with chefs of their caliber.
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