Squid, tentacles and all

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
So, I got some frozen squid the other day. Not sure how many are in the pack, will have to check.
Jusa prefers to fry them up. Which I could do and for me would probably be the safe way to do it... LOL. Would have to slice them thin and pan fry them as I don't really do deep frying.

But I'd like to stuff a couple of tubes - does anyone have a tried and true recipe for that? Preferably not one that deep fries, please.
I’ve never had the large sea monster octopus. 🐙

The small tubes are nice stuffed and poached for a few minutes in tomato sauce.

The stuffing that I’ve had was made with finely minced tentacles, hard boiled egg, pepperoni, and fine bread crumbs.

Squid salad is popular in this area as one of the 7 fishes for Christmas Eve.

The markets here sell them cleaned or uncleaned at very different prices.

I would enjoy it in a restaurant but it’s too fiddley for me make a single serving and I’m not sure how the leftovers would be.

Let us know what you finally decide to do with them.
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So, I got some frozen squid the other day. Not sure how many are in the pack, will have to check.
Jusa prefers to fry them up. Which I could do and for me would probably be the safe way to do it... LOL. Would have to slice them thin and pan fry them as I don't really do deep frying.

But I'd like to stuff a couple of tubes - does anyone have a tried and true recipe for that? Preferably not one that deep fries, please.
I have one that treats it like sushi. The bodies are boiled for like a minute, the tentacles a bit longer. Then, the tentacles, fins if they are still attached, and 1 body are chopped, mixed with seasoned sushi rice, and I forgot what else, mixture stuffed into remaining body tubes, refrigerated for a while to firm up, then sliced like sushi. I'll pull out the book and see what else went in the stuffing if you want.

Make sure you check the tentacles to see if beaks have been removed, and the bodies to make sure quills are gone.
The extras in the squid stuffing are finely diced cucumbers, peeled, seeds removed, finely chopped white and light green parts of green onions/scallions, and toasted white sesame seeds, with a bit of tamari or soy sauce.

I cook the sushi rice per package directions, then season with Chef Ming Tsai's recipe.

In a small saucepan, mix seasoning liquid together:

1/2 cup unseasoned rice vinegar
1/8 cup mirin
1/4 cup sugar
Good pinch of salt if you didn't use salt when cooking rice

Heat the above over high heat until sugar dissolves and you see tiny bubbles forming around the edges. Pour about 1/8 cup into hot rice and toss (we use a wooden rice paddle) until liquid is absorbed, continue adding 1/8 cup at a time and tossing until rice is glistening/pearly looking and has a sweet/tart taste. You probably won't need all the liquid. Save it to use for dampening your hands to spread out the rice. Cover with a damp cloth and let cool.
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