Freezing root veggies

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I had never considered freezing root vegis. But, I noticed on a Danish recipe site that suggested buying frozen root vegis. This could be very useful for me. Sometimes I have a bit of energy and I could chop, blanch, and freeze some carrots, turnips, celeriac, etc. for later use. So, I searched the web. I got lots of results, but none of them were from authoritative sources. Blanching times were all over the place. Does anyone know of any authoritative sources? Has anyone done this?
The National Center for Home Food Preservation is my go-to for information on many different ways to preserve food. This page lists all the vegetables they have tested for optimal blanching and freezing vegetables.

Thank you. I have it bookmarked now.

I'm hoping someone here has tried freezing root vegis.
Actually, I have. Several years ago, we had a bumper crop of carrots and I followed this procedure to freeze some for later; I think I cut them into 1/2-inch slices. After thawing, they're not as crisp as fresh, but the flavor is still good, especially in a soup or stew.
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Thanks GG. Yeah, I have store bought frozen carrots. They are fine when cooked. We don't even notice the difference. I was only planning on using any root vegis I freeze for cooking purposes, not to try to eat them raw.

I noticed they said that beets need to be cooked before freezing. I have some beets in the freezer. I cooked them and rubbed off the skin and pooped out. The plan is to make pickled beets with them. I'll wait until I have a day with enough spoons to make supper and to wash the mandolin. I can make the brine/marinade ahead of time.
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