Fresh Tomato Sauce/Juice

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Master Chef
Oct 19, 2013
Southeast US
I processed a bunch of ripe tomato's yesterday. I used my new crank type food mill. Oxo Good Grips. Not impressed.
Anyway the results were a very thin watery result. Maybe I should have used a courser mill plate?

My question:
Should I simmer to thicken or freeze as is? At this point it is more like juice than sauce. And frankly tomato juice is thicker.
I would cook it fown over low/simmer heat, without a lid, to redice the liqoud and concentrate to tomato flavor. When frozem, or canned, it will take up less storage space.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
For sauce, I often use an electric roaster with the top off, for even heat. If it is a large amount then an 18 qt roaster, or a 6 qt for smaller amounts. If you simmer it for about 4-6 hours, it will reduce by half. Stir it but it doesn't need that much attention. That makes a nice thick sauce, that doesn't mound but almost mounds. If you take it further, until it mounds and stay mounded, then you'll have paste. Since you are going to freeze it it will take up less room.

If you are doing it on the stove, with a triple bottom pan (so it doesn't burn), stirring at a boil, it will get done faster.
What kind of tomatoes did you use? Smaller, roma-type tomatoes are more often used for sauce rather than large, juicy varieties, since they have more meat and less water.
What kind of tomatoes did you use? Smaller, roma-type tomatoes are more often used for sauce rather than large, juicy varieties, since they have more meat and less water.

Agree. I had slicing tomato's. Rutgers, Cherokee Purple, beefsteak and some Russian black type. I used all of them. It did come out fine. I ended up with about 3 quarts of thin sauce. In the freezer now.
I had so many I had to do something with them as I can only give so many away and my wife can eat so many tomato sandwiches.
We also had tomato's with every meal it

Our garden is becoming to much of a chore for us. Next year I will only plant 3 tomato and a few peppers. I want to grow Shishito peppers. I have some growing now but started them way to late. So I don't expect much.
I do agree plum tomato's would make a much better option for saucing. Maybe I plant a few of them as well next season.
Thanks GG.
Here's what I've developed over the years and we love it:

(Makes about 3 cups)

5 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
3 lbs. Roma or plum tomatoes, cut
lengthwise in halves
Salt and freshly ground black
2 cloves garlic, minced
¼ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
¼ cup fresh basil leaves, cut into
thin ribbons

Generously brush a large baking sheet with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil.
Season the cut sides of the tomatoes with salt and pepper. Place, cut side down, on the baking sheet. Brush the skins with 2 tablespoons of the olive oil. Bake in a preheated 450º until the tomato skins are lightly browned and the tomatoes are tender, 30 to 35 minutes. Cool completely. Pull the skins off the tomatoes and discard.

Meanwhile, heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil, the garlic and red pepper in a small skillet over medium heat until the garlic has softened but has not browned, about 2 minutes. Puree the tomatoes, pan juices and garlic oil in a food processor fitted with the metal blade. Stir in the basil and season to taste with salt and pepper. Process until the basil is uniformly distributed through the sauce.

Note: The sauce can be prepared up to 3 days ahead, cooled, covered, and refrigerated or frozen for up to 2 months. It can also be canned in a water-bath. Fill clean sterilized jars, leaving ½-inch head space. Process pints for 15 minutes.
Kattie That sounds good, and very much like I recipe I got originally from a Todd English book (a pizza book, I think The Figs Table), and it had some onions in it, instead of garlic, but I tweaked it, and added the garlic, of course! Otherwise, it's pretty much the same. And I would usually cook it in a large roasting pan out on the grill, so I wouldn't heat the house up! A favorite pizza sauce of mine for years.

Another option is to use a BBQ wok, with perforations in it, slice tomatoes, light the charcoal, and put hickory wood, walnut. or pecan shells on top of the charcoal for smoke. Cover and roast until soft. Process into sauce. The smoke adds a great flavor, so leave the skins on, and blend until smooth.

Cherry and grape tomatoes make a brilliant sauce as well.:yum:

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
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