Friday Five!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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1. haven't slept much all week, so i'm really beat. thankfully, i'm taking tomorrow off to go to p.a. for the weekend.

2. looking forward to the crayola factory, and an easter bunny train ride and egg hunt. hope the weather cooperates.

3. waiting to hear blood test results for our maine coon. he's been sick, but recently is back to humping our clothes and growling with a mouthful of sleeve or pants leg, so i think he's better.

4. i'm smiling thing of something my son did last night. he was getting whiney and wanted to be carried everywhere, so i obliged.
then my wife walked in and said "oh boy, you're really getting over on dad, aren't you?", to which he tried to hide a wry smile by burying his face in my chest, then bursting into an uncontrollable giggle, and then tried to change the subject, then started kissing and hugging everyone.
it was really funny, and i'm glad he knows he can count on me.

5. gotta think up a good prank to pull this sunday, and a good victim.
Guess what day it is!?

1. I got my haircut and it looks so much better! (Just a trim)
2. The boy is coming home tonight! :wub:
3. The furry mutt and I had a nice long early morning walk.
4. All my laundry is done.
5. Brunch tomorrow, then shopping, then off to see Blades of Glory!!!


Happy Friday to all!
I haven't gotten to bed yet, so it is still Friday for me. LOL

1. Went to work just a half day
2. Went to job fair
3. Was offered a job and signed letter of intent to hire
4. Drove to my "new" school to look it over
5. Went to funeral home for our friend's mom's viewing :(

Mostly a very good day.

:) Barbara
-speak to my Mom
-prep an avon bag
-get a few drinks so i can pass by my culinary school & see what's cookin', possibly see Chef.
-cook dinner
-prep some items that i un-prepped to get to that hospital.
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Friday is here again!

1. Spent some of my morning outside. It was so nice! We have a hanging chair, the deck is covered and it was raining. Hot tea in hand.
2. Kids are watching the muppet show, that show is great!
3. Going to a "meeting" tonight. It will be fun. It's for the dance company I'm involved in. We will be looking at choreography for next season.
4. dh should be home from work soon. Cross your fingers that he got some sleep last night. I should put a sign on the door that says No Grumps Allowed.
5. Happy Friday Everyone! ;)
Wow, it really feels like Friday too!

1. We,ve got another public holiday coming up, on Tuesday, so its going to be almost as good as a long weekend, if not better, because after the day off there will only be 3 working days!!
2. Both my cats celebrate their birthday tomorrow ( in style, I hope!)
3. THEN, on the hoilday next week its DH's birthday! (birthday cake, yay!)
4. One of the tomato plants is just budding its first flowers!!
5. In a weird week in my "online world" I had a great compliment from some DC friends. :)

1. Trying to finish off some last bits of work this evening.
2. Hiring van tomorrow and at long, long last moving after months of toing and froing.
3. Taking one cat with us tomorrow.
4. Taking the last two cats on Sunday.
5. A bit nervous about living in a tent for a few months while house is made habitable by winter...
Got my hair washed.

Washed the sheets and hung them out to dry.(it finally stopped raining).

Took a nice long walk (I always say my rosary when I walk).

Went to Sam's to get gas for the car.( The nice man who works there filled it up for me again).

Happened on some garage sales. Got lots of books for 25 cents each.

All in all, it has been a beautiful day. Sitting here I can hear some doves cooing. Sweet!!
Happy Friday to all!!!

1. I walked 4.5 miles in the lovely sunshine today.
2. Currently on my second Rum Cocktail enjoying sun in the garden.
3. Only 23 more days until our vacation in Spain.
4. Tomorrow we are meeting friends in town for Cider Saturday.
5. Lovely pink roses are blooming in our back garden.
1. James will be home in a few hours, for the weekend. Yay!
2. Our air conditioner is working (supposed to get up to 105 today)
3. My latest kidney stone episode is over (tiny bit of soreness today, but haven't even needed Tylenol, let alone Hydrocodone)
4. Cubbie (our dog) is lying on his back, sound asleep--he can always make me laugh!
5. I got to sleep in my own bed last night!**

:) Barbara

**I was in too big a hurry yesterday and locked my keys in the house. The locksmith wanted $50 to let me in. Since James was going to be back today, I wasn't willing to pay that. I could have stayed with friends. Fortunately our neighbor was able to get me in the house (luckily it took long enough that if anyone else ever tried, the neighbors would all get suspicious and check it out! lol)
1. Found wonderful peaches and nectarines today (won't last long)
2. Found spray starch that has disappeared from the markets for 3 months
3. The setting sun on the Esil River was absolutely gorgeous---the water was brimming with oranges and reds---so beautiful, thank you, Higher Being for such a wonderful sight
4. I have such wonderful friends here---all races and mixes---the upside to being an expat here
5. To be alive, free, and happy
It's been so long since we played Friday Five!!!! Five things about your Friday!! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!!!

1. No rain today (no sun, but no rain!)
2. Currently finishing off a lovely bottle of Rioja.
3. The boy has not had as much pain today.
4. Going to watch a movie tonight.
5. Got a great email from my Dad before he left to play golf! :)
Got the laundry done early.

Went and got my hair cut. Turned out great.

Went shopping at Target and got everything I was looking for.

Got two great books at Borders on making smoothies, they were on clearence.

Had all green lights on the way home. Yeah!!

So far it's been a wonderful day.
glad you bumped this thread. I had forgotten about it.
1 going to San Juan Island for the weekend
2 its sunny!
3 have a dance performance, so hotel room is free
4 my family gets to come
5 we are on the ferry now

Whohoo! Have a great weekend everyone.
Have fun!!!

1. My cat followed me around this morning just like a little puppy dog.
2. Stargate is on to night and LOST starts next week!!
3. A customer brought us bagles for lunch. Yummy!!
4. Hubby just promised me a back rub tonight.
5. And the most important... I met son's girlfriend this morning. She's really nice, I like her!!!!
1. James is coming home for the weekend! :cool:
2. Cubbie has been very affectionate today.
3. I'm eating tortilla chips (home-made, so less salt and ankle swelling) and salsa for lunch (I know, but I love them!)
4. It is freezing outside, but the sun is shining nice and bright
5. I can count to 5! (LOL--okay, couldn't think of anything!)

Friday Five--where to begin

I'm now on the other side of the continent if you live in the USA--back in Kazakhstan!

Hubby really glad to see me.
Two friends met me at the airport with balloons and bubbly which we drank out of yellow plastic cups.
Got home to a nice clean, warm apartment--it's minus 30 now.
Met a new person at work and we hit if off
Life is good
Five things about your Friday!!!

1. It's sunny today!!! (YAY!) :cool:
2. Had a lovely raspberry & mango crepe with whipped cream for lunch!
3. Found a cute little red purse today, my valentines day pressie! :wub:
4. The dog is super spunky, (she's been unwell lately)
5. Did I mention it's sunny here today!!!???!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Happy Friday! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!! :)

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