Friday's dinner Nov 21, 2014

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I am not quite sure how this happened, but I have a 13 pound turkey roasting in the oven, and some taters scrubbed up. Will heat up some canned green beans later.

Today I picked up two pumpkin rolls made by the local high school culinary class. One is in the freezer and the other has largely disappeared.

What's happening at your place?
Yum sounds great! I think we are doing roasted garlic sausage over pasta in a white wine cream sauce with spinach and mushrooms. One of our most loved easy meals.

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Today was our town's winery's nouveau Beaujolais festival. The wine isn't great, but it is great fun. So we had our big meal at lunch. I've been trying to "eat down" my fridge and freezer to make room for the holidays, so tonight will be leftovers. A stir fry and rice from an earlier meal this week, ditto sloppy joes (not one of my favorites, so I'll have the Chinese, hubby gets the joes).
Leftover chicken cordon bleu from yesterday's United Way take and bake.
A little bit of this and a little bit of that. A TJ's flatbread and some pot stickers from the Asian market. With some sugar cookie reject SO made for dessert.
After a day of Christmas package prepping,
I went freezer chest diving (I'm little, the deep freeze shallows me)
and found some of my handmade cheese raviolis and marinara.
We had dinner last night at the neighbors and Mrs. Neighbor
sent DH home with a loaf of No-Knead fresh bread...
that will work nicely thank you very much.
Tonight is DH's birthday so I made his favorite dinner - lasagna. We'll also have green salads and garlic bread with easy tiramisu for dessert.
Happy birthday Mr. GG !!

Today is my little grand daughter's 1st birthday! She's still a little peanut but she was under 4 lbs at birth, so 17 lbs. now sound like a lot.

For her party potluck tomorrow, "Mama's Sweet Beans" was requested by her Daddy, so I saved out some for our dinner tonight.

What's better than Beannie Weenie, with my sweet beans topped with lil smokies?

We'll have glorified green salad too, because it's the law in this house to have something green with dinner.
Thank you, Dawg and Kayelle! Would you believe *he* gave *me* a present for his birthday?? I've had some physical problems lately and a bit of depression and he said seeing me smile was a great birthday present for him :wub: I really love that man :)

Kayelle, happy birthday to your precious granddaughter as well!
Mushroom,onion,spinach pizza
Stew made with beans, bean juice, tomato, okra and smoked sausage over rice with seared cod.
Wouldn't think of this except that's what needs cooked out of the frig.
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