From The FDA: General Mills Recalls Five Pound Bags of Gold Medal Unbleached Flour

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon

"January 23, 2019
General Mills announced today a voluntary national recall of five-pound bags of its Gold Medal Unbleached Flour with a better if used by date of April 20, 2020. The recall is being issued for the potential presence of Salmonella which was discovered during sampling of the five-pound bag product. This recall is being issued out of an abundance of care as General Mills has not received any direct consumer reports of confirmed illnesses related to this product."

Check your pantry, I found a bag in mine with that "use by" date.
For good measure, I threw out the open bag I had in a container.
Thanks for the heads up, kgirl. Gosh....there are so many Salmonella alerts these days! :ohmy:

I knew I had a bag of Gold Medal unbleached flour in the pantry, and just checked the bag. The best buy date is Nov. of '19, so guess I'm good. Good thing, because I already consumed half of it a few months ago. :mrgreen:
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