Fun Fact Friday, Aug 17 2018 ~ What's To Eat?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
Fun Fact Friday:
DH does not care for Margherita Pizza


... but that's what he order for linner (late lunch/early dinner)
this afternoon.
DH: Why'd ya let me order that?! This tastes terrible
Me: And so you ate it all why then?
(well, it was only an eight inch pie)


I on the other hand, ordered the Plaza Burger,
an 8oz. patty, beautifully cooked medium rare,
topped with my choice of cheese: bleu
served with also my choice of side: onion rings
and a pint of Founders All Day IPA
I could only eat half my linner ...

DH: Why'd ya order that? You know I don't like any of that
Me: I know ;)

What is on your table?
Greek meatballs, served over couscous with tzatziki, green salad on the side.

I have no idea if Greeks made meatballs, but these included feta, mint, parsley and lemon juice. If they didn't, they should, as they were pretty tasty.
Fun Fact Friday:
DH does not care for Margherita Pizza

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... but that's what he order for linner (late lunch/early dinner)
this afternoon.
DH: Why'd ya let me order that?! This tastes terrible
Me: And so you ate it all why then?
(well, it was only an eight inch pie)

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View attachment 31073

I on the other hand, ordered the Plaza Burger,
an 8oz. patty, beautifully cooked medium rare,
topped with my choice of cheese: bleu
served with also my choice of side: onion rings
and a pint of Founders All Day IPA
I could only eat half my linner ...

DH: Why'd ya order that? You know I don't like any of that
Me: I know ;)

What is on your table?
The first part of your post reminds me of the old joke about two yentas:
1st yenta: this food is horrible, just horrible!
2nd yenta: I know! And the portions are so small!

Probably just a sammie and a milkshake tonight for dinner. I had Chinese delivered to the rehab center for Mark and me. I am gonna make those blackberry brownies with chocolate stout tonight though. I’m notoriously bad when it comes to baked desserts, so we’ll see what happens!
Good to know. I wonder how many cultures make meatballs. I know that some variation of dumplings exist across many cultures. Italians call them raviolis.
I’ll bet just about every culture’s cuisine includes some kind of meatball. Can anyone think of a country or culture that doesn’t?
Vegan culture?
I don’t think vegans qualify as a culture, although most cultures have a percentage of vegans. And vegans DO have their meatballs, they’re just not made with meat. Let’s not rehash that debate here, though.
Fun Fact Friday:
DH does not care for Margherita Pizza

I used to like your DH... not so much, now. :glare: :D

Margherita Pizza is my favorite pizza. So simple, and so good. :yum:

I've actually eaten a Margherita Pizza in Napoli (AKA Naples for us Mercans), the birthplace of pizza. They eat it with a knife and fork, and it is wonderful!

Rock, that looks wonderful!

And as to a culture that doesn't have meatballs ...
The ancient Hawaiians ... there were no cows until, I'm thinkin' like late 1700's ??
I have seen recipes for "Hawaiian Meatballs"
(go ahead and do a WWW search... there's tons)
but I'll pass thank you :shock:
I used to like your DH... not so much, now. :glare: :D

Margherita Pizza is my favorite pizza. So simple, and so good. :yum:

I've actually eaten a Margherita Pizza in Napoli (AKA Naples for us Mercans), the birthplace of pizza. They eat it with a knife and fork, and it is wonderful!


Casey, that's how I eat my Pizza, but we both are not fans of, as my Mother calls it, "Hot Tomatoes" ... I don't like tomatoes anyway you give them to me :ermm:
I pick them off anf give them to DH, just so long as they're not cooked ... :rolleyes:
We are a bit odd down here, I like pizza with spaghetti out of a can, then the normal suspects , and pineapple. Lol.
I know you a merry cans find this odd??

I put together mock chicken enchilada's

Flame toasted corn tortilla wedges layered with shredded chicken breast/green onion/chopped black olives/pepper jack cheese along with a sauce of mixed TJ's enchilada sauce and cheese soup with more cheese on top and dusted with Mexican oregano and cumin, baked till toasty and bubbly.

Glorified salads thanks to the SC.
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Some seedless watermelon and green grapes, and a few Pagoda mini eggrolls that were surprisingly edible.
We had salads, a baked bay scallop and shrimp casserole with fresh bread crumbs and Spice House Lake Shore seasoning, and fresh green beans. I also made fresh peach pie. Photos in dessert thread soon.IMG_20180817_212525089.jpg
I had some jarred four cheese tomato sauce I bought on sale some time ago, and when I opened it today, it was not bad, but it was definitely lacking in any solid seasoning. It was pretty bland, IMO. So, I added fresh basil from my garden, and some diced garlic, and one of my giant mutant cayenne peppers from the garden sliced up thin, and made a pretty good pasta sauce, that I served over some rotini pasta.

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