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Sous Chef
Apr 24, 2022
unincorporated area
We planted garlic today, just in time for the late afternoon rains. We'll harvest in June, let it dry in the barn, and have really potent garlic for the next year.
2020 garlic hanging.jpg
Ours is in (Wisconsin USA) and mulched for harvest next July. We planted about 33% more, since so many people were looking for garlic this year. I have a bag of this year's garlic which I need to store or process. I like it best, blanching off the skins, into the food processor to a mince, in small zip lock bags, flattened so they are easy to stack and freeze. A small amount can be broken off when I'm cooking.

As long as it goes in the ground before the ground is solid frozen, it will do fine next year.
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