Ginormous Jalapenos

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Sous Chef
Nov 20, 2016
I'm making poppers for Easter and the peppers are gargantuan. I've never seen them quite this big. Anybody else getting larger than normal jalapenos?

Of course, they are also coming with a larger than normal price tag. Anywhere from 1.59 to 2.49 a pound. They are usually .99 a pound this time of year.

They seem to be a bit milder and more full of water than normal. Nice steady heat instead of the randomly hit you like a blowtorch heat we have been getting. 20190420_225449.jpg20190420_224956.jpg
Jalapeños have been getting larger for quite a while now - I'm surprised if you haven't seen any. Some have also lost flavor, having been hybridized with non-Jalapeños, to get larger, milder, or hotter. Some, however, still have great flavor; problem is, you can't tell by just looking at them!
Yes..I got some a while back. I sent photos to my son..I wonder if they are genetically was about 6 inches long..
There are only 10 genetically modified crops on the market; jalapeños are not one of them. They're just bred to be larger.

If it's watery tasting, that explains why they're not as hot. Capsaicin is a defense mechanism - it develops when the plant is under stress, especially environmental stress like not getting enough water.
Jalapeños have been getting larger for quite a while now - I'm surprised if you haven't seen any. Some have also lost flavor, having been hybridized with non-Jalapeños, to get larger, milder, or hotter. Some, however, still have great flavor; problem is, you can't tell by just looking at them!
Yep. For sure. The first 5 pounds we got are very mild, but tasty. The second 10 pounds we got from a restaurant supply place are hotter, with a nice lingering heat that makes you want more.

I have been noticing they are getting bigger. This year they just seem ridiculously large. I need to dob10 pounds worth of poppers just to make sure there are enough. Even then, I should do more, but 10 is enough, my back won't take any more.

It's odd. I can work all day, lift heavy things, but sitting an prepping poppers is the only thing that I know without fail will make my back hurt.
Vinyl, You do know that peppers will help back (and other) pain, don't you? It really needs to be hotter than jalapeños, though, to trigger the endorphins that will help with intense pains. I just chewed a half of a chocolate hab (about 400k) because I am getting ready to go out in my garden, which did not feel good yesterday, to my back or my knee. The pain killing effect is better than a low level narcotic, yet is non-narcotic... maybe.

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