Gotta Brag

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Assistant Cook
Jun 8, 2006
It's been a crazy 2 weeks!! My best friend came to visit for 8 days and I didn't have time to breathe.
But, now I'm back and I just have to tell you guys about my dinner last night.
I decided to make my own Spaghetti Sauce. It was so amazing. I chopped my own garlic instead of using the jar. I smushed tomatoes with my bare hands. I also made meatballs. As if that wasn't enough, I pulled out my pasta machine that I forgot I had and made my own spaghetti! I am now saying goodbye to Mueller's and Ragu!
Good for you !!! I love doing everything from scratch. My passion for food extends to being able to "feel" the food as I'm making the recipe. To save time, I always make enough to freeze because doing it all from scratch is labor intensive. Spaghette sauce is one of those things that just gets better and better after you make it. Garlic from the jar is just not the same as fresh garlic and fresh tomatoes, especially in the summer and fall when tomatoes are available everywhere.
Looks like you've been bitten by the creativity bug. Many around here have, me included. As you experiment with different techniques, you will soon be able to create your own "scratch recipes", and be able to take pride in your cullinary accomplishments.

To be sure, don't re-invent the wheel. Get your hands on some quality cookbooks such as "The Joy of Cooking", and try a ffew things to get the techniques down. Then you can apply those same techniques to make your own dishes. That's what cooking is all about. It's creative and a lot of fun. Enjoy life by becoming part of it. Don't let others decide what tastes good for you.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
I hear ya. I'm used to cooking from scratch but between my job as a preschool teacher and a mother of two it's frequent that I take the shortcuts. Before the kids came along my husband had a very spoiled belly.
Now that the baby is a little older and I'm off for the summer it's easier to spend time getting to know my kitchen again. In fact, my son helped me make the pasta yesterday and commented that he never wanted to see dry pasta again and he will ALWAYS help me if I need him :ROFLMAO: .
I'll have to look into that cookbook though. Thanks for the tip.
Awesome! I've never homemade spaghetti. I love making pizza from scratch though. I should try it with spaghetti some time.
Compliments, RBH!!:chef:

Yes there is nothing like a big bowlful of homemade pasta with your own sauce, and that is great that you are involving your children for the cooking adventure!! Early education is very important, which I totally lacked when I was growing up and when I see children enjoying cooking with their parents, or even on their own, I so envy them.
Keep up the great job and your creative mind... you can also make a huge batch of the sauce while you have the time, and freeze it in separate containers, so you can still enjoy them when you get busier!!
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