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Senior Cook
Jul 24, 2017
Since I've written about 15 posts today, I thought I should probably introduce myself. I'm home on disability since last Monday awaiting a double hip replacement and I'm going a little stir crazy...not used to sitting around. My kitchen is designed in such a way that I can do some cooking that doesn't require a lot of standing so I have been canning lately and came here looking for answers to a canning question.
I am currently a medical professional but spent ten years in my twenties as a school trained chef on a private estate in the Hamptons.
I have studied herbology for 30 years and taught alternative medicine as a professor at our local university to PA students for many years.
I like making my own soap and my most recent passion of the past year has been roasting my own coffee.
I've really enjoyed reading several posts today and appreciated the help I received.
I haven't made soap in years. My Grandmother taught me, I was the only grandchild to show an interest in soap making and cooking.
yeah, it's daughter has no interest in canning or soap making. She has however, started making herbal medicines since her son was born so it's not a total loss. My neighbor across the street has four girls, one of them, a firery little red head name Molly comes over for projects all the time. Her sisters come and want to make brownies and cookies...not Molly...she wants to make kimchi, apple gallets and a pear and almond torte. She has learned how to make Challah, how to can jams and how to make sauerkraut...I just adore her.
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I haven't made soap in years. My Grandmother taught me, I was the only grandchild to show an interest in soap making and cooking.

Welcome Rparrny.

I haven't made (or bought) soap in at least 15 years. Traveling like I do, I have accumulated enough hotel soap to get me through Armageddon. :LOL:

Welcome to DC, Rparrny. My mom had a hip replacement in October of 2015, and she did well with it. Are they doing both hips at the same time, or will you have two different surgeries?
Howdy dooo, and welcome. We're glad to have you.
I just saw some of your soaps on the Random Photo thread and they are just stunning!! They're truly a work of art, much too beautiful to use.
Welcome to DC, Rparrny. My mom had a hip replacement in October of 2015, and she did well with it. Are they doing both hips at the same time, or will you have two different surgeries?

I'm doing both at the same time. My surgeon, who happens to be a good friend, told me the with the amount of pain I live with everyday, the post operative pain will be a fraction of that so doing both at the same time is the best option and I should ace the post operative period.
I was originally scheduled for surgery on July 17th, but Aetna in their moronic wisdom denied it and told me they wanted me to go for 3 months of PT first. We appealed it with a PT consult that basically morons, she can barely walk, how do you expect her to do PT? It got reversed on Friday and I am now waiting for a new surgery date.
Going a little stir crazy at home...
Howdy dooo, and welcome. We're glad to have you.
I just saw some of your soaps on the Random Photo thread and they are just stunning!! They're truly a work of art, much too beautiful to use.

Thank you so much! I've been making soap for years but only got into the design art in the past year. For the holidays, I make a custom soap for each member of my family. Either the design or scent is made just for them. I usually only use essential oils, but if they have a favorite perfume or cologne I will suck it up (I hate using anything but natural oils) and make their fav.

Below are some of the ones I made for them.
The black, pink, white one was for my niece who loves Game of Thrones, can you see the Dragon?
The blue and white one was for my nephew who loves Cool Water cologne
The green yellow and white one was for my other niece who loves Sunflower perfume.
The brown one was for my sister who is a coffee fanatic


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Howdy dooo, and welcome. We're glad to have you.
I just saw some of your soaps on the Random Photo thread and they are just stunning!! They're truly a work of art, much too beautiful to use.

For some reason the Game of Thrones soap didn't load so here it is:


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I'm doing both at the same time. My surgeon, who happens to be a good friend, told me the with the amount of pain I live with everyday, the post operative pain will be a fraction of that so doing both at the same time is the best option and I should ace the post operative period.
I was originally scheduled for surgery on July 17th, but Aetna in their moronic wisdom denied it and told me they wanted me to go for 3 months of PT first. We appealed it with a PT consult that basically morons, she can barely walk, how do you expect her to do PT? It got reversed on Friday and I am now waiting for a new surgery date.
Going a little stir crazy at home...

Gotta love people's "infinite wisdom". My Mom's surgeon only did 1 but that might have been partly because of her age (she was 76 when she had it done) and pre-existing conditions. She was in rehab for a little over 2 months. She did in-patient rehab because she and I both were scared that she would fall and I wouldn't be able to get her up or I would catch her and then I would fall and do something to myself to make it so I couldn't take care of her. Are you doing in-patient or out-patient rehab?
Gotta love people's "infinite wisdom". My Mom's surgeon only did 1 but that might have been partly because of her age (she was 76 when she had it done) and pre-existing conditions. She was in rehab for a little over 2 months. She did in-patient rehab because she and I both were scared that she would fall and I wouldn't be able to get her up or I would catch her and then I would fall and do something to myself to make it so I couldn't take care of her. Are you doing in-patient or out-patient rehab?
I'm hoping to be back to work in a week. I have a weird genetic thing in my family and we heal at warp speed from surgery and illnesses. I will have a PT come to the house on my week at home and where I work, there is a PT less than 50 ft away...I don't even need to walk outside the building as a door inside separates our offices.
I've also been doing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy everyday that I can make it to the car. It will build up stem cells that will give me an advantage for the surgery. I will also be doing 2 weeks of treatment after surgery to speed healing.
Lou is an amazing surgeon, he did my mom's hips as well. She went home on post op day 2 (unheard of back then), was walking up and down stairs at home on post op day 3, and by day 4 she ditched the cane (like I said we heal really quick). I'm hoping for a similar course.
I'm hoping to be back to work in a week. I have a weird genetic thing in my family and we heal at warp speed from surgery and illnesses. I will have a PT come to the house on my week at home and where I work, there is a PT less than 50 ft away...I don't even need to walk outside the building as a door inside separates our offices.
I've also been doing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy everyday that I can make it to the car. It will build up stem cells that will give me an advantage for the surgery. I will also be doing 2 weeks of treatment after surgery to speed healing.
Lou is an amazing surgeon, he did my mom's hips as well. She went home on post op day 2 (unheard of back then), was walking up and down stairs at home on post op day 3, and by day 4 she ditched the cane (like I said we heal really quick). I'm hoping for a similar course.

All I have to say is WOW! Hope it all works out good for you. Keep us updated, please.
Welcome to D.C.

I have always had a grand enthusiasm personally for herbal medicinals, alternative medicine and acupunture though I am not a practioner nor am I in the Medical Field ..

All my best for a wonderful summer. Speedy recovery.

Wow. Your Soaps resemble " desserts " .. Wonderful ..
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