Grits? "I'm confused"

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Johnny cakes can be either sweet or savory. Most people think of them as a poor man's pancake, fried until the edge is nice and crispy (about 3-1/2 - 4 minutes per side on high heat), served with butter and syrup. But they can also be used as a base to a savory dish much like polenta, only with a slightly crunchy texture, which is what I prefer. A touch of fish with a little sauce on a crispy Johnny cake is different and pleasurable. - Enjoy!!
Could I mix jalapeno's in the mixture before it sets in the fridge?

I like hot and & spicy foods!

Sure! It's kind of like Cajun Gumbo - there's no right or wrong to what you add to it (chicken, shrimp, sausage, venison, alligator, etc.) as long as you know how to make the base. The same is with Johnny cakes or fried mush. After that, go for it!

I like adding things such as dried cranberries & cherries topped with powdered sugar.
Needed: 3 quart boiler, lid

4 1/4 cups water
1 teaspoon table salt
1 cup Quaker Grits
1 1/2 or 2 Tablespoons butter

Place water and salt in a 3 quart boiler. Bring to a rolling boil over high
heat. Reduce heat to medium. Add grits and stir in well. When boiling again,
butter. Cover and cook about 15 minutes for Quick Grits. Regular grits need
to cook about 30 minutes. Stir grits frequently. Add water when and if needed
about 1/4 cup at the time. Grits are done when they are past the gritty stage
and are NICE AND CREAMY. Place in small individual bowls with several butter
patties on them.

Serve with black pepper, salt, and plenty of butter or gravy.

Traditionally, grits are served with eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, biscuits,
toast, red eye or other gravy, etc..

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