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Sous Chef
Apr 24, 2022
unincorporated area
Today I harvested my first herbs, parsley and thyme. They moved outside about two weeks ago, got hardened off, and then transferred to their large pots. Lordy, did they take off! I can hardly wait for fresh marjoram, oregano, and basil.
Too early for my basil, but all my perennials are coming on strong! A huge quantity of garlic chives already, and I just had my first batch of mint tea a couple of days ago - had to snip a few sprigs, instead of just one big one, but the first one I always look forward to.
I harvested a bunch of greens from my hydroponics today - some mustard greens and mizuna that were just starting to bolt, and some leaf lettuce and Russian red kale, that has not bolted since they were planted in early November. Arugula was the quickest to bolt, and the least productive, of all these cut and come again plants.

I stripped the kale from all those thick stems, and crammed them in the Instant Pot - got over 3 qts, which I steamed, and when cooled some, I blended smooth, in the VM. Got a little over 2 c, then rinsed the container and lid, and added that to the purée. I'll make something with it tomorrow - got too late to cook tonight.

Russian Kale, from hydroponics, from 2 plants, in a 12 qt bowl. by pepperhead212, on Flickrl
I picked my first ripe tomato today, but it's not quite ripe - one or two more days, so it's very close to the same as that Oaxacan Jewel that ripened on 7-3 last year. Only 2 of those, one Brandyboy, and one Hippie Zebra got BER, and I missed thinning those clusters, which seems to be what causes it with these.
First Oaxacan Jewel, 7.85 oz, on 9-1 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

My Sunsugars are starting to ripen, on both plants. The Juliets are the only others ripening.
Sunsugars starting to ripen, 7-1 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I was going to make something today with them, so I cut 5 more, a little small, but I don't ended up staying out there much longer, so I'll do it tomorrow.
A Choruoku green, and 4 Ichiban eggplants, 7-1 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I harvested 4 more cukes today, and they are growing fast! There are two plants just not taking off, that I might pull, and plant a couple more seeds in each spot - there's plenty of time for them to start up.
4 more cukes, 7-1 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I just harvested my first okra for the year. I wanted to harvest a few yesterday for that sambar, but it wasn't quite ready. It's a 3½" Star Of David, and it almost doubled since yesterday! The only other one was the first one formed on Little Lucy, which I'm saving for seeds, since it flowered before anything else blossomed, so I didn't have to isolate it from others.
My first okra for 2023 - Star Of David, 7-3 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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