Hints on how to de-stress the holidays

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Master Chef
Sep 4, 2004
Galena, IL
I want everyone to write in about what you do to make the holidays a little calmer. I told my husband a decade or three ago that he had to watch out in traffic and in stores this time of year, especially for women of family age. They're running around blind, trying to buy presents for everyone and their brother -- that they cannot afford. They're trying to get from party to kids' events to family dinners. The days are short and the list is long. Just be cautious, because they're unlikely to look behind them unless they're looking at the kids in the back seat. This isn't a criticism of mothers and grandmothers, just a fact of life that it can be very stressful for the person (and yes, there are some men, too) who is in charge of the meals, the present buying, throwing a party, etc.

So, what have you done to try to make this a little less stressful for you and those around you?
When I stopped working I also stopped all social obligations.

Now I only do things I enjoy with people I enjoy and for people I enjoy.

I am not as busy as I used to be but, I am much happier!
I quit doing Christmas. It is now a mini-holiday, stress free. Except. talking with my mom today, she wanted to know if I'd be there on time to help put up the tree. I haven't spent XMas with my parents for 12 years...I'm checking the train schedule to see if I can go from CT on the 19th to MN...good daughter guilt.
I quit doing Christmas running and stress when the family got too big to buy for. We have settled, as a family, to do birthday presents only, except for the little ones who Santa visits. Those with kids, buy for their kids at Christmas. I contribute $10 per kid to Santa presents. At this point, Christmas costs me $40 each year and it will be cut by $10. The new great grandbaby soon to be along will be included and one nephew is wavering on that age of no longer getting Santa presents.

Shrek and I buy for each other, usually something big, but can be promised as a Christmas present from August to January...depending on if we can wait.
We get stuff for Mom and DH's folks, usually food. My niece will turn 4 soon, so she gets fun stuff. I get DH and me electronics and Mexican vacations. Much less stressful than past years and many nieces and nephews ago. They are all grown up now.
I want everyone to write in about what you do to make the holidays a little calmer...
...So, what have you done to try to make this a little less stressful for you and those around you?


As for me, stopping buying gifts for each person was a biggie. Sibs, their husbands, their kids ... easy for me to say, I know, because I don't have kids myself. My dearest friends and I decided decades ago ... no gifts. Now I just buy a bunch of local food products and ship them to my parents. My sibs are all foodies so love it all. One shopping trip for 15 people.

I have an agreement with a friend. I do Thanksgiving, she does Christmas (dinners we're talking here). There's one I don't have to do any more.

I throw a big Christmas party very early on (usually first Sunday in December). But even that is one where I make a big pot of Cincinnati chili and not much else. Once upon a time, I threw two (or more) large parties a year (by large I mean 40+ people). Christmas I did all the food myself. Then, when I moved here, I found everyone was bringing me food to share anyway. So I do the main thing (the chili), and just ask people to bring finger food to share. The table and sideboard over-flow, everyone brings neato stuff (we have a multi-cultural group and those who like to experiment). They also bring stuff for the food bank. My preparation consists of the chili (which has to be made at least 24 hrs in advance or it doesn't taste right), which is something I only have to put on low heat day of party and stir once in awhile. But once I'm through with that, I'm pretty much though with holiday prep.

Simplifying decorations helped. We live in an old tourist town in an old house. No more outside lights. Did that for a few years after we moved here, and putting them up was never a biggie. Then I'd be taking them down in well below freezing weather which was a bear. Gave up and found some great fake candles to put in each window and finally gave up on a real tree. We still use real pine garland and wreath, so it is all in keeping with our 1854 hours ... and a lot less work.
I quit doing Christmas. It is now a mini-holiday, stress free. Except. talking with my mom today, she wanted to know if I'd be there on time to help put up the tree. I haven't spent XMas with my parents for 12 years...I'm checking the train schedule to see if I can go from CT on the 19th to MN...good daughter guilt.
$1400 RT. No way, no how. The dead beat brother #1 (I have two of those) said the same, he checked flights, and it would cost him $900 to get to WPG, and then the cost of a rental car, hotel, etc. Same difference. I'll be there in February, and I'm sending cookies UPS.

As I drove home from curling the other night, I couldn't help but think "Dalton, shouldn't people with these hideous Christmas light displays have to pay more for that than I do? I don't leave my hot water tank on during peak hours--come on--I can't take a shower until after 7 p.m.!
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I usually buy a gift for my partner, my parents, now just parent :-( and my grandmother. I have told siblings that gifts are unnecessary, if they want to buy for us, then that's their choice, but we wouldn't be buying for them. We open up the house and usually have Christmas here, I cook up a storm, and we have a great time, that's really all we need.

My friends have casual get togethers and we go to them, but again they are low key affairs, so no stress there, we usually bring homemade treats. Some years we have a party of our own and I really do it up, but I only do it every few years.
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There's little stress in Christmas anymore, and frankly sometimes I really miss it.
What I would give to have just one more Christmas when my sons were little and I was such a busy young mother intent on doing my best to make the "most perfect Christmas ever". Having both sides of the family for Christmas dinner was stressful I guess, but my cup truly overflowed and I loved every minute of it. Now so many family members have passed on, or moved away. My sons are both married, and the parents-in-law have claimed them for Christmas, so I'll be doing a Brunch for all of us next Sat and that will help keep me from wishing I could have just one more "stressful Christmas" like it used to be. My Mom used to tell me then that I was living the best days of my life. She's gone now, and as usual, she was so right.
Because we do not have thanksgiving the stress levels over here rocket
We have always used the holiday to have or be with friends and family.This year on christmas day we are going out to one of our local Indian Restaurants then we will walk around Chester or Liverpool looking in shop windows.
Please google an image of Edward Hopper painting Nighthawks.The reason is when we walk about there are always cafes open that cater on that day for single people, the stress on these poor people to sit on their own in a seedy cafe to try to get some of the christmas "spirit" makes us remember how lucky we are.
When I was fit through the last economic melt down I cooked in homeless shelters over the holiday.The need through the boom years vanished its back with again.One of the two Christmas cakes we are making will go to the Salvation Army hostel with a few other things this does salve my conscience a little.
This post is not for kudos I do it because my Dad would always help in different ways, he could not cook but he would open his factory canteen on Christmas day, it was a wonderful day after the meal he would set up his 16mm Bell and Howell sound projector and show movies.
I miss my Dad and his friends, one great man who had fought for the international brigade had a large bus company with his sons he would pick everyone up.:)
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I've always enjoyed Christmas even though I grew up in a very, very dysfunctional and physically abusive family. I think, as a child and young person, I used Christmas as a salve to temper the ugliness I lived with every day the rest of the year. This is not to say my childhood Christmases were Norman Rockwellian. Not by any means, but I always found the joy in it.

As a result, I have always made it a point to ensure that my own family enjoyed a pleasant loving holiday. I never found that stressful and, in fact, it gave me great comfort to provide them with wonderful holiday memories.

We do some outside decorating, but don't go nuts with lights, etc. Actually, never did. Somehow I think loads of lights are too much. Less is better for me.

Inside, the house is decorated in a somewhat eclectic manner. Many of the decorations dating back to before the children were born, which makes quite a few of them over 40 years old. Guess that goes back to the "comfort" thing. A little like the old broken pair of shoes that feel so good. I can look at any number of our decorations and remember which child was born the year we got them or which child made it or helped assemble/put it up.

In fact, this year, when I mailed the Christmas packages for the children, I included some of the decorations from their childhood so they could share them with their children.

I still bake lots. Something I truly love at Christmastime. Even though it's just the two of us now, I still go ape nuts baking all kinds of cookies, etc. But these are my "special" ones that are usually only made at Christmastime. Makes them even more treasured since they're only around once a year.

As for presents, I shop and make gifts all year 'round. As a matter of fact, as we sit around the tree on Christmas day opening packages, I pay close attention to what everyone says as to likes and dislikes. What they admire about something someone else received. Color, fragrance, clothing, food, lifestyle preferences.

I remember what I've heard and use the rest of the year to fill the blank slate that was given me. Most of my gift giving is made up of things I make myself, which is easy because I have the year to accomplish whatever I need to make. This year, for example, members of my family will receive several knitted afghans, knitted hats, knitted scarves, beaded and embroidered wall hangings, hand-sewn aprons, napkins/place mats. And the list goes on.

I hear the news reports on the average expenditure per person during the holidays and I just gasp. I can't imagine spending such exorbitant sums. When I bought the yarn for the afghans, I made certain to use a 40% off coupon. Glenn says I'm "cheep, cheep!" Whatever. I just prefer to stretch our dollars. Most of our purchased gifts came from an upscale area consignment store. They have absolutely beautiful things for pennies. I couldn't tell you the last time I shopped at a mall...any time of the year, much less Christmastime. Been years. So I don't have to do the shopping stress thing, along with the parking lot stress.

This year all the gifts were done/purchased (what few that were bought), packaged and mailed, wrapped and ready for under the tree by December 3. Most of the baking is done and either refrigerated or frozen. The tree will be put up Christmas week, which only leaves Christmas dinner to be cooked.

We're expecting 12 for dinner Christmas day and the battle plan is in place and partially executed. The meal will be elegant but easy to prepare and dessert will be the cookies and candies that are already made.

I've always viewed Christmas in a childlike fashion and truly love all the sights, sounds and smells of the holiday. I have never felt stressed during the holidays even when I was raising 8 children. The chaos and confusion seemed to feed me and I thrived on it. Still do, even though the mayhem has been reduced considerably.

As for de-stressing the holiday, for those who need to do that, I pray they find the way that best works for them. It's too lovely a time to have it marred with stress.
Pretty much, I ignore holidays. I don't get into the present buying frenzy and never get into Birthdays either.

When I see something that I know someone close to me would love, I get it for them. The time of year or how many years old they are has nothing to do with it.

I give it to them because it reminded me of them and I know it will bring a smile to their face.

Their smile is *my* present and always makes the whole thing worthwhile.

I enjoy Christmas music and listen to it all year when I'm in the mood. I just don't get involved in forced "You must buy presents" type days. It's gotten way too commercial for me.
Please just make it all go away.

I know the feeling. It is a logistics nightmare for me.Two or three days of driving, last minute changes, never being in my own bed or home.......It looks good on paper, but unfortunately for me, never turns out to be worth the hassle......I'm not a Christian so it is a bit senseless, so I go through the motions for my family.
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When I was a new mom nearly 30 years ago, I nearly had a breakdown the second Christmas we were married I was so stressed: inlaws coming from downunder, shopping and mailing to my family in California, son was a toddler, bad weather, living in the country.

I read about this in a magazine, and have done it for nearly thirty years. I made a list of everything I had to do for Christmas, including money I needed. I took Christmas stickers and put one on the 25th of every month. I divided the list up, and did one twelfth of them on the 25th. It was hard to do on July and August 25th :LOL:, but even then, I would have a yard sale, or a can return day to save $$ for Christmas. November 25th, which was close to Black Friday, my galpals and I would treat ourselves to lunch (providing it wasn't T-giving) and watch everyone lose their minds, while we sipped martinis or margaritas. And then, we could enjoy the rest of the season, without stress.

I don't have nearly as much to do now; so many have passed, and the kids are grown and gone. But i still enjoy the season, and have most of it done by the time Chrismas gets here.
I don't stress over the holidays like I used to. Gift giving & receiving has dwindled down considerably over the years and the very limited number of gifts I buy I just order what I need on Amazon, delivered to my doorstep....mostly for the kids. In fact, it's been close to 20 yrs that I've set foot in a large mall.
I like the simple life.
I know the feeling. It is a logistics nightmare for me.Two or three days of driving, last minute changes, never being in my own bed or home.......It looks good on paper, but unfortunately for me, never turns out to be worth the hassle......I'm not a Christian so it is a bit senseless, so I go through the motions for my family.

Are you Santa Claus? :ermm:
i have always been a careful planner. i am uncomfortable with to many things to do at the last minute. i do most of my shopping on line these days. so try to start early to get discounts, free shipping etc. i was through with shopping by the third. next week i start wrapping. i use lots of gift bags so no big deal. supplies are in cupboard for the few cookies i bake . no more dozens and dozens. everyone is always dieting anyway. i don't do thanksgiving or christmas dinner anymore. this year is potluck at granddaughters house. just appetizers will fill the bill. then we will make pizza, everyone brings their own topping. cake pops , will be made and taken by me. i love being with my family, kids, grandkids and great grand kids. i try to plan so their is no stress.

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