How are you feeling now about..

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Congratulations, since you consider this a good thing. That's a lot of weight to lose in a short time. How are you feeling? In any case, don't beat yourself up if you gain some of it back.

Thanks for asking Taxi and I'm feeling much better since the meds have kicked in. "Better living through chemistry " :D
Thanks for that Kgirl. Gene Simmons said it perfectly and he's sure no dummie... "You may not have any symptoms, and still have COVID-19. Wearing a mask is not about you. Wearing a mask protects other people FROM you. Be kind. Do it for everyone else."


Aside from being the marketing genius behind Kiss, he has started a chain of restaurants, a financial services management company, reality shows, owned a football team, is a best-selling entrepreneurship author, and is a well known speaker on the business lecture circuit.

:) Not to mention that he fluently speaks 4 or 5 languages. ;)
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Every morning we look out our window at the beautiful ocean and my husband and I tell each other how lucky we are to be our newly remodeled condo. We watch pelicans fly by all day long and fish jumping in the water. We have the sun and ocean breeze to enjoy even if the pool and the beach are closed. We spend the day together doing chores or cooking or putting puzzles together. We have friends in the condo next to ours who we get to have dinner with once in a while. Our groceries are delivered when we need them. Life is good and it's not much different than it was before isolation. WE KNOW HOW LUCKY WE ARE to be here. The days go by quickly and then it's night...that's where my problems start. I don't remember the last time I slept all night. I start thinking about all the poor Mexicans around us. They are hungry and tired and a lot of them have no choice but to go to work or their jobs are gone and they can't afford food. A friend of ours just lost a friend of his to Covid and his friends wife is close to death. We have friends of our in the US who had it and survived but almost didn't. My son is in the states and I do get to talk to him but... I know I can't be with him if and when he needs me. And everyday I get so many requests for help ( for people and animals) and I know I can't do much. We help those that we can but it's not enough.
I feel guilty for being happy and safe and feel horrid about those people who are not either of those.

I am happy and lucky to be in lock down with my husband who is my best friend.
I worry about people who are with people that they don't like.. how hard that must be.
And I worry about those people who are totally alone. I want to reach out to everyone I can and give them a huge hug but I am learning to accept that all I can do is smile a huge smile that they can't see behind my mask.

Stay healthy! Stay happy! Enjoy all the little things that this life is giving us. :)
The pandemic hasn't had much impact on me and my quiet little life.

I go out once a week to shop and do errands that can't be done online.

I'm thankful for the little window on the world that my computer and the internet give me to help pass the time.

I feel bad that the only thing I can do to help is to stay out of the way and continue paying my bills.

I'm glad to see signs of the economy reopening but I'm concerned that people will become complacent and that we will see a new spike in infections and deaths.

Please stay home if you can, wash your hands, wear your mask, social distance, and be good for goodness sake.
Had a new, to me, experience yesterday..

We plan to go to D&SIL's today for a Mothers Day Dinner.. Of course, with SIP, it won't be our normal hug everyone, little kids on our lap kinda gathering.. Everything will be handled with caution..

Anyway.. D called to ask me to pick up something for the meal, as she is doing her working at home thing..

For the first time since SIP started, we ventured out about noonish.. All our shopping has been done at first early opening at the few stores we buy food, meds, etc. The only time we leave the apartment later than early morning is when we pop to a very close restaurant for take out..

I was amazed with the traffic, the amount of people in the two stores we shopped, the lack of mask usage, etc..

This may seem silly but, I was almost afraid to be out among the throngs of people we encountered.. Couldn't get home fast enough..

I hope it will all get back to normal soon but, I remain leery..

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I sure understand what you're saying Ross. This morning I ventured out into the public with a mask and gloves for the very first time since Mar. 9th.

SC has been doing all the grocery shopping.

Anyway, I had been dreaming of Spudnut Doughnuts since I was told there was a shop about 20 miles from us. I loved them as a child, and I thought they were a thing of the past, so off we went on the hunt for Spudnuts. I told the owner all about how excited I was, and also the customer inside. I think I was so happy to talk in person to somebody besides Souschef.:LOL:
We had the owner load up a box of chosen Spudnuts, to share with some of our sweet widow neighbors. It's nice to be in our safe home and I'm enjoying one now as we speak. :yum: What bliss!!:wub:
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I did my monthly shopping trip to Wal-Mart yesterday. I wore my mask. As I was getting my 4 quart containers of heavy whipping cream a young woman came up behind me. She was so close I could not step back and let the door close. So I coughed heavily into my mask...she paled and quickly left the aisle. Bwahahaha!
I did my monthly shopping trip to Wal-Mart yesterday. I wore my mask. As I was getting my 4 quart containers of heavy whipping cream a young woman came up behind me. She was so close I could not step back and let the door close. So I coughed heavily into my mask...she paled and quickly left the aisle. Bwahahaha!
Genius! I'm doing "late" shopping shortly - the two previous trips were early AM trips. I'll be sure to remember this... just in case. ;)
She was one of those that thinks she doesn't need a mask.

I could have guessed that! :angry:
It burns me up about them complaining their "Civil Rights" are in question. Masks show that we care about others, not just ourselves. I could have it and not know it, and they could too.

"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" belong to us all.

Masks are required in our only supermarket and also in Costco now.
SC stopped at our little Mexican market we like so much, and he came home saying not everyone had a mask on. This "mama bear" came unglued and I called the store and a man answered the phone in Spanish. In English, I asked to speak with the manager. In perfect English, he said "this is the manager", and I proceeded to voice my complaint. He responded with a "bad attitude". That's when my fireworks started.
Looks like we won't be shopping there anymore until none of us need a mask anymore, and that will be a very long time I'm afraid.
Thoughts for now


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Governor Ducey of the State of Arizona,
has open back up dine-in restaurants.
The Neighborhood gals want to go out
to lunch next week.
I don't know how I feel about that to be honest.

DH feels that it should be okay, but he said that he'll watch
the numbers and if they shoot back up again, we'll re-evaluate it situation.
The Gals are looking for a place to go to that has a
large patio, so that we could kinda-sorta
still practice pretty responsible Social Distancing.

I dunno though ... in my heart, I'm not real comfortable with this yet.
Personally I wouldn't chance it yet. You can't eat with a mask on. Who knows how responsible others have been or what the next person can pass on. JMHO
I'm not ready to risk a resto, even outdoors, yet. I'll wait at least until I know they have practice at doing this safely, to my standards of caution. Or, we have a proven vaccine and I have had it.

I came across this interesting and useful piece by "... a Comparative Immunologist and Professor of Biology (specializing in Immunology) at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth." One of the things it discusses is eating in restos.

The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them
I'm not ready to risk a resto, even outdoors, yet. I'll wait at least until I know they have practice at doing this safely, to my standards of caution. Or, we have a proven vaccine and I have had it.

I came across this interesting and useful piece by "... a Comparative Immunologist and Professor of Biology (specializing in Immunology) at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth." One of the things it discusses is eating in restos.

The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them
Great article! Thanks. I'm not ready to go to restaurants yet either. Way to close to too many others in a small space. And that was before I read the article. I'll still with home cooking and occasional take out or delivery.
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We ventured out to a favorite restaurant Friday evening..

I was notified, by the owner/manager that he was having a soft re-opening. He explained his sanitizing and distancing procedure, in great detail.

We made an early reservation and called when we parked.. We were told that our table was ready and that we would be met at the door.

I felt that if there was a time that this or any restaurant would be at supreme cleanliness, this was it. I don't believe that I would have gone there later in the evening, after many people had been in the place.

We took our masks to enter and to leave after our meal. We also took our hand sanitizer to use when we felt it necessary. The tables were bare, no condiments, etc. We were asked if we wanted S&P, etc.

We had a wonderful dinner, served by a, very happy to be working again, young lady who made every attempt to make us feel safe.

We will not just pop into any restaurant, just because we can.

I fully understand that many people I know would not do as we did.
I thought a lot about it and decided that, at 80, I can be taken from this life, at any time for a number of reasons. I would hate to drop dead and have someone say, "At least he didn't die from Covid 19. He never left his home."

There is not a lot of time left in my life and I hope to enjoy this time, with as many precautions as possible.

As with many subjects, your view may differ and that's perfectly ok.. :)

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I felt really bad yesterday for making one of my neighbors stand back.
Off my door step. You are wayyy too close to me. Mask less glove free

I did that only because I know what she does for a living and who she's been exposed to lately.
Our next door neighbor (The troubled one's, that I've mentioned before)
had recently had a stroke. Was released too soon.

She's been going over to help out (hinting that she could use my help) because my husband had suffered one, I knew what to do.She doesn't.

Sorry to tell her what they need is a social worker to step in and do the work. I can't, won't do it.

I'm not comfortable eating out either. Are the people in the back wearing masks and gloves while washing dishes and prepping food?
It's best for now to stay clear until it's run it's course. Who knows how long that's going to take.

Munky, don't feel bad about setting boundaries with your neighbor. She absolutely needs it.

I'm not comfortable eating out either. Are the people in the back wearing masks and gloves while washing dishes and prepping food?
It's best for now to stay clear until it's run it's course. Who knows how long that's going to take.
I think restaurant owners and managers will do everything they possibly can to ensure that their guests, as well as their staffs, stay healthy. I don't worry about the staff - I worry about the other customers.

I wanted to post this article from Kenji López-Alt of Serious Eats (author of The Food Lab columns and book) about coronavirus and food safety. It's very thorough and packed full of good information.
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