How do you wash cauliflower and broccoli? Do you soak them in cold salted water? Should i?

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
my way is to cut it and put it in cold salted water..

especially because of the hot weather in israel that brings insects sometimes..
I shouldn't think you would need to actually add salt to the water, but can't see it does any harm. Insects will come out just by being in the water, salt or not.

I don't usually have an insect problem and I just rinse them thoroughly in water.
I garden organically - so a salted water bath is essential, unless you want the extra worm protein.

plain water will not chase worms out of the heads.
not sure about other insects.
That would be completely unsuitable for vegans.

that's so funny. :ROFLMAO:
Sometimes getting the bugs out of leafy greens is tough. If you steam them (by accident) they are pretty white, easy to find, for an appetizer? I also use salt to soak them out of greens.

I've read that the cicadas are going to be making a huge showing this summer. You can't miss this, they are big and crunchy.
I've read that the cicadas are going to be making a huge showing this summer. You can't miss this, they are big and crunchy.

Yeah, I read that too. We have the kind of cicadas that come out every year, and they are pretty average last year. I'm not looking forward to this summer's appearance.

it only takes 10-15 minutes, and yes - the produce must remain submerged!

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