How long is this covid mask wearing going to last?

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
I've heard all the way up to years before things get back to normal. Any opinions? I am hoping by this spring things will be back to normal.
It will continue until people grow the hell up, stop complaining about - wearing a mask, maintaining safe practices and start following the rules!!

Too many selfish people who only care about what they want are spreading this thing.
It is a difficult situation. I miss being able to hug my daughters and grandson.

According to today's news there are now TWO high performing vaccines that will become available by the end of the year. When there will be enough enough for everyone is not known. But once administered, they should make life more normal than things are now.
Masks and social distancing are important. If we do it properly now and for a while, then it won't be necessary for as long. As someone posted on Facebook:

"If the stay at home orders that are coming are going to massively change the way you've been living your social life lately, it's quite likely you're the reason we're going to get more stay at home orders."

I don't think things will ever get back to the normal we had before the pandemic.
Masks and social distancing are important. If we do it properly now and for a while, then it won't be necessary for as long. As someone posted on Facebook:

"If the stay at home orders that are coming are going to massively change the way you've been living your social life lately, it's quite likely you're the reason we're going to get more stay at home orders."

I don't think things will ever get back to the normal we had before the pandemic.
I agree 100%!! TOO MANY selfish people who don't care about anyone but themselves are making this continue!!
This is a tough question isn't it? I am happy to see that there are potential vaccines on the radar, but they won't do any good unless we can convince 70% of the population to get vaccinated. So...masking or vaccinating will eventually be the question I think.
Its really silly that this mask wearing has become political. It comes from the top.
I will wear mine until its safe not to wear one.
Its not to much to ask.
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I see that it wasn't someone on FB who said this. It was someone on FB who shared it from Twitter.


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How long is this covid mask wearing going to last?

Would forever be convenient for you?

Maybe not exactly that. But, it might become normal to wear a mask to go out in public if we are coughing or sick or there's a flu going around. I believe that is already normal in some Asian countries.

Also, some scientists are saying that with global climate heating and ongoing habitat destruction, we should expect more frequent novel viruses that affect humans and more frequent pandemics.
What REALLY peeves :mad: me is going to get gas. Mind you in New Jersey you DON'T pump your own gas the attendant does it. This NJ/NY area is where MANY people from around this country and the world come into the USA at the three big airports. MANY of the gas stationworkers don't wear masks and neither do many of the customers!! They come in contact with hundreds of people every day from around this country and probably from around the world. They just don't give a damn whose lives they are endangering!!

OK sorry rant over for now.

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