I can empathise, can you?

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Executive Chef
Aug 24, 2006
Basingstoke, England
A tired homemaker opened the front door of her home to find a young minister from the neighborhood who said, "I'm collecting donations for the new children's home we're building. I hope you'll give what you can."

"To be sure," said the beleaguered woman, "I'll give you two boys, two girls, or one of each."
can't we leave them at the curb with a sign that says free like we do with spring cleaning stuff.:LOL:
I think that this will put an end to the "ME Generation".......oh, yeah, my two were definitely for sale in their teens....now I'm thinking that I'll keep them....sorry they have to be in their twenties before you get to that place where you might want to keep them after all and call your lawyer to change your will
Isn't it funny how our children were always perfect angels when sleeping or at other peoples houses and the spawn of he-- at home?!? Then they grow up ( if we are so lucky) and we get to sit back and get to see the same grief visited on them!!
HEy I was a perfect child and do not deserve what I am getting these days!!!!!!! :)

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