It's only Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - What did ya eat?

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
In my quest to lessen food waste, I surveyed the fridge and ended up making mini-sandwiches out of leftover hotdog rolls and avgolemono soup out of leftover chicken. Tasty. What was on your menu?

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The idea was that we'd have a quick, easy dinner. I grilled hot dogs on toasted buns. Sadly, sometimes ". . . the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

I was reaching into the back of a shelf in the fridge for some pickle relish for SO's dogs and tipped over a jar of pickled pepperoncini. The lid came off and fluorescent green pickle juice spilled all over that shelf and ran down onto the two levels of pull out buns below. Cleanup took a bit of time because I have to pull the fridge out of its space to open the doors wide enough to pull out the bins. Of course everything on the shelves and in the bins had to be removed, wiped/rinsed off too.

At least we finished in time to watch the All-Star Game.
The idea was that we'd have a quick, easy dinner. I grilled hot dogs on toasted buns. Sadly, sometimes ". . . the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

I was reaching into the back of a shelf in the fridge for some pickle relish for SO's dogs and tipped over a jar of pickled pepperoncini. The lid came off and fluorescent green pickle juice spilled all over that shelf and ran down onto the two levels of pull out buns below. Cleanup took a bit of time because I have to pull the fridge out of its space to open the doors wide enough to pull out the bins. Of course everything on the shelves and in the bins had to be removed, wiped/rinsed off too.

At least we finished in time to watch the All-Star Game.
Oh noes! What a nuisance. I hate when that kind of thing happens.

Did you get to eat the hotdogs?

Your Robbie Burns quote threw me at first. I was married to a Scotsman and he often used that quote, but he always said,
"The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley"
A cheeseburger and English cucumber coins in a simple vinegar marinade.

Peanut butter sandwich cookies and a small glass of ice cold skim milk for afters. 🐷🐷🐷
I took the leftover Linda's Pot O'Pig and heated it with some brown basmati rice I had in the fridge. I made a salad, similar to yesterday's and used some of the same ranchoid dressing. There were also a few leftover potato pieces that DH got. Strawberries and whipped cream for dessert. I forgot to take pix of that.

Linda's Pot O'Pig over brown basmati rice, salad, creamy, ranch inspired dressing and potato.jpg
Linda's Pot O'Pig over brown basmati rice, salad, creamy, ranch inspired dressing.jpg
The idea was that we'd have a quick, easy dinner. I grilled hot dogs on toasted buns. Sadly, sometimes ". . . the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

I was reaching into the back of a shelf in the fridge for some pickle relish for SO's dogs and tipped over a jar of pickled pepperoncini. The lid came off and fluorescent green pickle juice spilled all over that shelf and ran down onto the two levels of pull out buns below. Cleanup took a bit of time because I have to pull the fridge out of its space to open the doors wide enough to pull out the bins. Of course everything on the shelves and in the bins had to be removed, wiped/rinsed off too.

At least we finished in time to watch the All-Star Game.
I had to have a procedure at the hospital yesterday and did a lot of walking, which really aggravated the neuropathy in my feet, so we went out for Thai. I had sweet and sour pork and DH had stir-fried beef with snow peas. We also had an appetizer of steamed spring rolls. So good, and I had leftovers for lunch.



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