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Mrs. Cuillo said:
Has anyone heard any news??
They are home from the hospital and Caleb is doing well. I'm sure Brad will swing by to fill us in a little more.:)
My apologies for not filling everyone in sooner.. After 8 GLORIOUS days at the Hospital, Caleb got to come home. Things have been so hectic that I completely forgot to let everyone know..

So far, he is eating like a champ, and sleeping pretty well. We are adjusting to life without Nurse care pretty well too. It was kind of like we got ON-THE-JOB training from the professionals that know what they are doing. :)

I can't tell you how great all of the support was from all of you. It was nerve-wrecking to say the least, but the hospital staff was great, and he came out just fine.

He's the cutest little guy ever! I've posted a few pictures on - Photo Gallery and you'll see the "Wireless version" of him. It's wonderful to get to hold him without all of the extra wires and tubes.

Sorry I didn't fill everyone in sooner. During the 8 days of being at the hospital, no one other than Sarah and I could see him. So the last couple of days have been crazy with people coming and going from the house.

Thanks one last time for the support.. One more reason THIS PLACE ROCKS!

Thanks for the update and the pics are absolutely the cutest - love the cat taking the crib for a test drive!!!!!!! I'm so glad he's home and everyone can be together. Yes, he's yours - not until you get home does that totally sink in!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:
A beautiful story. There will be many more tales to experience. Keep us posted. Happy Days Ahead.
We understand...I just didn't know if anyone knew you outside of the forum that heard anything. I am so happy for you both! I am glad that you all can be home spending time with each other as your new family. Enjoy the time that he is'll miss it when it's gone!! One last time, congratulations!!

P.S. You have a very beautiful family.
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Such joy! What a lovely family you have and your wife is as beautiful as Caleb.

I'm so glad all is well and the whole fam is home and safe.
candelbc said:
She is an amazing person, amazing mother, amazing wife, and amazingly beautiful... I love making her smile and laugh!


you two are amazing, all you've been through and to see those big happy smiles just is fantastic. You have one of the most beautiful babies I've seen. I'd like to wish all of you a lifetime of those smiles and all the happiness and good healh you deserve. Take care and thank you for letting all of us share in your happiness.

Hooray, home at last! Glad everyone is doing well. Thanks so much for sharing the photos with us, I loved looking at all of them. Keep us updated, we all love hearing about eachother's kids here. Your wife looks wonderful. Everybody looks so happy (aside from the car seat photo. lol. My one year old, Callum, still fusses when we put him in his seat).
great pics brad! again, congrats.

life isn't more exhausting or more rewarding than now, as you well know.

every day is a milestone. try to record in pictures and video as much as you can, and save all of the little stuff for remembrances, such as the hospital bracelets, a newspaper from the big day, first blankets and booties/hats. write down your feelings in a journal if you have time.

you'll really appreciate seeing and reading these things only a few short years from now, and moreso later on.
Your family is the picture of happiness. Sarah doesn't even look like she's just had a baby. What a beautiful girl! You're glowing, too. Happy daddy for sure. I'm jealous of Caleb's full head of hair. I had to polish my children's heads until they were nearly a year old.:LOL:

I think Bean is very smart to warm up the crib for Caleb. Very helpful kitty. When my first child was born, my kitty was very protective of Shawn. Whenever a visitor would come into the house, Porky would make sure to be sitting by Shawn. Sometimes with his paw on Shawn's leg or tummy as if to say, "This is my boy. Don't even think of hurting him." We had Porky for 19 years and he was dearly loved by all the children.
What a beautiful family! I loved the pictures. I'm glad Caleb is home now. :cool: How does Beans like Caleb? Beans is beautiful too!

:) Barbara
I am still amazed at hour great of a family is! Everything is going well at home, and Caleb is as good as any new born. I once again appreciate the awesome support!

Thanks for asking..

We are adapting very well.. We are in the process of trying to switch his schdedule, so he is awake during the day instead of ALL night.. There's been a couple of rough nights, but that's to be expected.. :)

Sarah is feeling back to 100%, which is great.. But I wouldn't expect anything less from someone as wonderful as her..

Caleb is a little "gassy" so we're trying to figure out why. He's nursing, so we have to slowly cut things from Sarah's diet here and there and see what makes an impact. For now though, we're just using the gas drops..

We certainly nap when he naps, so I am thinking a nap is coming on soon.. I'll be posting more pictures soon..

I think all babies get a little "gassy" My girls used the Mylacon drops and it really helped. We found that onions,and garlic caused the most problems if the food they were eating had a large amount in it. Small portions of onion and garlic that were well cooked caused no problem at all. We also found that both Carson and Ethan, swallowed a lot of air when they nursed and this made them uncomfortable as well..once we convinced them to "burp" kid burp the difference was amazing:LOL: It sounds as if Caleb is thriving, so he will out grow this soon, don't worry just rub his tummy and sing him a song and he will be fine.

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