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Chef Extraordinaire
Sep 9, 2004
NoVA, beyond the Beltway
Daughter is not allowed to make phone calls out of earshot for the time being. The expressions in the title encompass 80 percent of her verbiage.

I was inwardly sneering until I remembered my own youthful vocabulary:

Fer sure


Far out

Right on

What don't you say anymore?
She is in T R O U B L E!!
Check out the venting thread, Sushi.

I can't think of anything that I used to say except dude. If I say it now, my youngest throws a fit!!LOL
And if I say any of their slangs, he gets a look of pure terror!!
I knew this guy from boston who constantly said wicked. "Wicked cool." "Wicked smart." "Wicked good." He looked just like Prince. I asked if he was a big fan, nope, he wasn't and couldn't understand why so many people asked him that. lol.

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