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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
We were in Whole Paycheck today looking for some hard to find things. They had whole lionfish for $8.99 a pound. We didn't get any but for those of you that like them, might want to check and see if your local WF has them. Really surprised they still had their full spine complement.
This is very good news, Medtran! It's some of the best tasting fish you can eat, mild, flaky, and just plain delicious. I'm pleased that it's finally being sold commercially! We don't have Whole Paycheck anywhere around here, but I'll have to let my brother know to look for it.

Caribbean islands, where this unwanted predator has been decimating the baby fish, are finally getting the word out, and the lionfish population is starting to decline.
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Sorry, didn't know. Maybe they're just testing the market and will eventually expand if they sell enough.
Well, next time I'm in FL, I may have to stuff my suitcase with it. Was it fresh, or frozen?

That's an excellent price as well, considering how labor intensive it is to catch them. Most are speared by divers, though some might be netted.
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Fresh. Yeah compared to hogfish, which used to be only spear fished, at around $20 per pound, that's not too bad.
Hm. Fresh won't work in my suitcase. If you get some, I can give you a few ideas for recipes! My favorite is coconut crusted. We eat it at least twice every trip to Cozumel.
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Such a gorgeous looking fish with such a beautiful, deceptive, beastly, bear-biting , b**breaking, barbarous, sting...........DON'T ever touch matter how she sings her siren's song and wafts her fins towards will REGRET it if you touch it..........However, GLAD to know that they taste good.......but I'd have to have a coroner's report to make sure it was dead and fully cooked...........:)
Nothing to worry about eating them, expat. They even make the freshest tasting raw ceviche. The spines are the only things that are venomous, and have nothing to do with the flesh. I could go on for hours about how delicious this fish is, and I'm usually a walleye girl.
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Yeah, when I see them while snorkeling, I won't pat them! But dang, they're delicious.

I really hope Whole Paycheck puts them in their stores nation-wide, not just FL.
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Yeah, when I see them while snorkeling, I won't pat them! But dang, they're delicious.

I really hope Whole Paycheck puts them in their stores nation-wide, not just FL.
as long as they move them to Texas, too.........oh, where or where do I think I'm at???? I've only seen these beasties at Sharm El Sheik in Egypt........who knows I may be surprised!!! :ROFLMAO:
Well, given the sting I was given, I'm ready to eat those beasties anytime........anyplace,,,,,,,anywhere,,,,,bring them on.........:):):)

They are invading the Caribbean and pose a potential hazard to an ecosystem that has no natural defense against them. It is fairly certain that the invasion results from a combination of Floridians releasing them from home aquariums, and possibly from accidental release as a result of hurricane flooding.

The infestation began along the Florida coast and moved out from there. We saw them in the Bahamas and in Jamaica. They have organized hunts for them in the Bahamas, and Dawg is right, they are an amazing delicacy to eat.
They're a problem in Aruba as well. There is a campaign to get more restaurants to offer then on their menus.
Cozumel also has an annual lionfish tournament, and off the top of my head, at least 5 local restaurants there feature it on their menu. I've had it coconut-crusted (my fave), garlic buttered, with marinara (we now get that on the side, do not smother a beautiful fillet with sauce), and just browned butter. Lionfish ceviche is also delicious, so clean and fresh tasting.
Oh, GG, you will not be sorry, it's that good. You are much closer to the source than we are here along the river, so the possibility of finding it might be better than what we have.
I have heard lionfish are a Problem Fish on the reef. my thought is that we should just start eating them.

Oh and GG, I already liked you but fishmonger? Now I have a total internet crush on you.

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