Low fat frozen yogurt?

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Assistant Cook
Dec 8, 2008
Coolest city in America!
Hello there! I was wondering how to make low fat frozen yogurt, and it it is even possible for that matter. Chances are that if you need special equipment, that I don't have it.
do have the standards, but I don't see how they will help me here. The reason it has to be low fat, is because my mom can't have more than about 20 grams of fat a day, and tries to keep it down to 5 a meal.

I would like chocolate(if at all possible), or if not vanilla, or strawberry. Any flavor is fine though. Fat free would be even better!

Thank you all for any help!:mrgreen:
I am late to this thread, but this recipe is excellent! It meets your requirements of being low fat, even better low carb and in my opinion low calorie too! However, it does require an ice cream maker. maybe you can borrow one from friends or maybe when you get one in the future..
Try it out! - Low Fat Real Frozen Yogurt Recipe

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