Monday dinner, 3-6-2023?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Homemade fried rice.

It's got chicken, pork belly, shrimp, red bell, onions, carrots, ginger, garlic, peas, bean sprouts, baby corn, green peas, shiitakes, green onions, egg, rice and various Asian condiments.

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Homemade fried rice.

It's got chicken, pork belly, shrimp, red bell, onions, carrots, ginger, garlic, peas, bean sprouts, baby corn, green peas, shiitakes, green onions, egg, rice and various Asian condiments.

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Ha! Sounds like you started making Yangchow Fried Rice but then decided to keep on going. What rice are you using--long grain or short (my choice)? Do you use 'fresh' rice or day-old rice (my choice)?
Burgers here too @Andy M.
Ours will be without cheese, on brioche buns that I bought fresh at the bakery today, pickles & mayo for moi, onion & tomato for DH - AF French Fries on the side.
To drink: Henry Weinhard Root Beer for DH and a IPA for moi.
No photos, as I have not made it yet ...
Have always like burger of Thomas's English Muffine (attempt no substitutes). But recently at Jack's 99 Cents saw and grabbed a bag of Pretzel Rolls. Great with burgers. Sadly, have not seem them since.
We've been trying to eat out of the freezer as much as possible so we can defrost it.
Our only freezer is the refrigerator one, and we ate up most everything during its death throes. I've been working to restock "convenience foods" so I can do something other than cook every day.
Our only freezer is the refrigerator one, and we ate up most everything during its death throes. I've been working to restock "convenience foods" so I can do something other than cook every day.
We have an upright freezer in the basement. That's the one that needs defrosting. Fortunately, the fridge one does not.
Looks delicious. Was that intentional pun, "presto"? Did you use a pressure cooker?

Just curious, do you have a source of fresh horseradish or do you use prepared or dried horseradish?
No, I didn't use a pressure cooker. I just cover the pot and leave it alone...LOL. I have an oven version of beef stew too, but this one wasn't that one.

I don't have fresh horseradish...and, sadly, I can no longer find my favorite prepared stuff either. I just make sure to use one from the fridge section instead of the condiments aisle? And, I don't use it sparingly either!

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