My boy is gone

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I'm so sorry to hear Mikki. I know how hard it must be. I'm still crying for my little one that's gone too.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I've never had to make the decision to put a pet to sleep and I wasn't even close to being ready for the way I feel.
Miki - I feel terrible at your loss. Our pets become such a part of our life that it really hurts when we loose them.

Focus on that your boy is not suffering any more ans try to take solace in that.

you have suffered a huge loss. allow yourself time to grieve and cry. it takes a while to adjust to a pet being gone. and even longer to think about a new one. tears and hugs, babe
I have a hard time replying to things like this, I had to put my 13 yr old cat down due to kidney failure. My thoughts are with you, you can never be prepared for it, but the pain will ease with time, my only comfort was knowing that she wasnt suffering anymore.
Hugs to you & your family!
Nothing is sadder than to say good-bye to an old, dear cherished fur's of my friends had to say good-bye to her old Brownie, a chocolate lab, and I'm so glad that I was with her.........she just kept stroking him and talking softly in his ear (her first fur child) and I was crying as the vet injected the medicine and then she fell sobbing into my last cat who left us died outside in her beloved garden........she loved to sniff flowers, sit under bushes, and chase butterflies........that's the way I want to my deepest sympathies for your loss
I'm so sorry mikki - tears of joy for the time you spent together and tears for the sadness I know you feel....I'm so sorry sweetie.
Dear Mikki, I was thinking of you all day today, knowing what was happening in your life and remembering back many years ago when I had to let my dear Brewster go due to bone cancer. I remember being with him until the end and I can relate so much to your pain right now. Just know that he is at peace, that he knew you loved him right until that last lick and that he will live on in your heart forever. Thank you for the pictures. He was a beautiful dog. As soon as I finish sending this I am going to give my two wonderful mutts a big hug, cry a few tears and say a few prayers for you and yours.

And I agree with PieSusan about the poem Rainbow Bridge.
I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Our pets are such good friends to us, it's just so hard when there's nothing left we can do to help them. The decision to put him to sleep must have been incredibly difficult.
Gee, I knew it. I always feel reluctant to open a thread and see this news! All the feelings come rushing back of what I felt like when it was my turn. No matter how committed I felt about doing it for them, it would hit me so hard when it was done. My vet always tells me I loved them enough to let them go. I am thankful you stayed with him when he left. I find myself looking back on ones I left with the vet. Every dog is so different. I still question whether they could have made it for just another day? Always want them back. Coming home to their surroundings is what really hurts. I still cannot get rid of their collars or bowls. I do use bowls as replacements but I won't ever forget how many pets I had eating out of them. I just cannot believe how the personalities are never same.

I will be thinking of you and your family and hope the time will come when you can open your heart to love another one. There are plenty out there and to love them to the end is a gift that only you could have given. Thanks for sharing the pictures even makes it more personal to me. Gone but never ever forgotten.
This thread is absolutely heart wrenching, and I keep coming back to it. I wish I could do more, or find the right words to say-but there are no words to ease the sadness. I can only speak for myself, but like so many others here at DC, I am happy to be here for you Mikki-Just a few keystrokes away.

FWIW, the site mentioned by PieSusan is very very good. You can post a memorial to Tyler, they have lots of good support resources, and every Monday they have an on-line candle service. I know it sounds silly to some, but for those of us who feel, or have felt as you are feeling, its very theraputic.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.:)
SK you are so sweet. I'm past the feeling of devastation. In my head I still doubt if the decision was the right one, but in my heart I know it was. Everyone at work signed a sympathy card, which made me cry. Then on my way home from getting my DD I was thinking " I have to get home to let Tyler out before there's a mess" Then in the next thought It was like no he's not there and I felt the void.
Bottom line is I'm doing ok and working through my feelings. It also helps to know it's OK to feel like this. Without all of you guys I would have felt like it was silly to feel like this over a dog. So THANK YOU from tho bottom of my heart!!!!!!!!
No, you are not feeling this way over a dog. You are feeling this way about one of your children. Yeah, some people will say, it's not the same, but, those of us with them know it's true.

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