Need farms in Ft. Lauderdale FL area please, and help w/ the bugs

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Sep 9, 2004
Just relocated, and no I'm not changing my sign in, but frankly I hate it here. All my farms in Seattle are now open, all the farmer's markets are open, and all is well in the PAcific NW. Here I am in good ol florida, the farmer's markets closed in MARCH :mad: and I wanted to can some fresh veggies this year & pick my berries for canning jams, but nnnnooooo, I have no idea where to go. Can anyone help me please. B.
Well ... your county ag office is always a good place to start. For you, you might try contacting:

Jay (Jalil) Vedaee
Urban Horticulturist II
Broward County Extension Education Division
3245 College Avenue
Davie, Florida, USA 33314
(954) 370-3725
Fax: (954) 370-3737
If you were closer to Tampa I would have no problems telling you different places where you could go to U-Pick or already picked veggie stands. But when I went on vacation to the Keys, the close we got the less produce you could find. Don't get me wrong you could find different veggie and fruit stands, but the prices were outrageous and there was no way we would purchase them. I remember one stand that had a watermelon (on sale, HAH) for $10.00 and 6 tomatoes for $5.00. Most of the stands were really ones that could be put up in a few minutes, taken down at night and put back up next day. I really don't know how they make a living because I can't see any Floridians paying those prices.

Guess that doesn't help and I am sorry. :(
Yankee found these, maybe one isn't that far from you. Looks like some are only open on Sundays, but is better than nothing. Hope one is close to you.

Suwannee County Farmers Market
Railroad station in Live Oak
P.O. Box 55

McAlpin, FL 32602
Contact: Fletcher Vann
(386) 362-1728
Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Coconut Grove Farmers Market
Grand Avenue and Margaret Street
Miami, FL 33177 Contact: Stan Glaser
(305) 238-7747
Saturday, 10:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

Lincoln Road Farmers Market
600 Block of Lincoln Road
238 East San Marino Drive

Miami Beach, FL 33139
Contact: Claire Tomlin
(305) 531-0038
Sunday, 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Normandy Village Farmers Market
900 71st Street
238 East San Marino Drive
Miami, FL
Contact: Claire Tomlin
(305) 538-0038
Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Hi guys. Been doing some research of my own here in this godforsaked state. I found what appears to be a spinoff of Trader Joes. It is called Penn Dutch, and the cheeses and fresh meats and olives and produce and baked goods are divine. The NY Black & Whites are to die for, along with all the pastries in their cases. The meat prices are as good as Costco, and for the most part, the produce is good, altho I had to get my blueberries & WA cherries at Costco. But, I am happy with that. I also found a place called the Swap & Shop, which has an open air vegetable market w/ a good 25-30 vendors, but not a lot of farmers per say. They appear to get most of their stuff at a wholesale vegetable place, and then resell it. Too **** hot in the summer to go anyhow. You wouldn't believe what the people were trying to sell at the swap side of it!!!
Anyhow, thought I'd fill you in. Found another couple places for produce I need to explore when they open. Can you imagine, farmer's markets don't open until October here, when eveyone else in the country is geating up for Fall and Winter.
Will post a couple questions on other areas of the forum. Just wanted to give my fellow foodies an update.

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