Need super good wishes and prayers

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 14, 2007
escondido, calif. near san diego
when i got up this am about 8 , i found that thomas, my cat was gone. he evidentaly went out through heater vent in bathroom floor. that goes directly under the mobel home. it is now 11:30 and i have not found him.

he is not an outdoor cat. once in awhile he would escape , but always came back. usually within the hour.

i am really getting worried. course knowing that a cat will ignore u when u call them ticks me off.

lets do a collective good thought and maybe he will come back.

thank you

i've had indoor only cats that got out a few times, babe. with any luck, it'll just be a one or 2 day adventure, and thomas will return when he realizes that it's better to be fed and pampered inside.
Good kitty thoughts headed your way. I "lost" my cat outside for two days. It had been hiding right under the step at the door he escaped from the whole time. He did come out all lovey dovey and rubbing on the HVAC unit and some potted plants when he heard me calling for him and I got lucky and grabbed him. So...with that being said, your kitty still might be VERY close - under the mobile home also might be too much to ask for :LOL:

Heeeeeere kitty, kitty, kitty
All my cats have been indoor cats. I know how scary it can be when they get out. I am sending you positive thoughts!
good point, elfie. unless something scares them into running away, they usually were within a short distance to the house.

after living in the boredom of a household, there's so much to explore in the nearby vicinity that they don't go far.
bout a half hour ago, i went out for last look for a while. this is killing my knees.

i spotted him on next door neighbors shed. called and he got down . then when he saw me, he ran under my house.

i have spent the last half an hour trying to entice :-p him with food. almost had him just now, but back under he ran. made me spill food on driveway when i grabbed at him. but back under again.

now he can come out and eat without worrying about me catching him.

dumb stupid cat. thanks for good wishes. keep fingers crossed i can get him out.

:) Cats think it great fun when you try to catch them and they wont let you. We are totally stressed but they think it's a grand game;)
Hopefully he will decide to come in tonigh when it starts getting darker.

Here are more good kitty thoughts!!!!
Try tuna, babe. Cats really love stinky stuff and will often give up the game when they get a whiff of stinky food. (I sure am glad you at least know where he is for the moment.)
thomas the stupid is still under the house. i just tried to entice him out with anchovies. no go, just his head.

i am reaching the point, where i don't care if he is out all night.

:) What ever you do, do not feed him or give him water when he gets hungry or thirsty enough he will know where his food is and want it real bad. I do that when Snoopy decides he likes it so much outside and wants to play the ("catch me if you can game") as soon as his tummy gets hungry he is back in the house. If you can crack the door tonight he will most likely come in when he is ready to stop the games if he likes sleeping with you then he will eat and come to bed.
:) What ever you do, do not feed him or give him water when he gets hungry or thirsty enough he will know where his food is and want it real bad. I do that when Snoopy decides he likes it so much outside and wants to play the ("catch me if you can game") as soon as his tummy gets hungry he is back in the house. If you can crack the door tonight he will most likely come in when he is ready to stop the games if he likes sleeping with you then he will eat and come to bed.

being the spoiled snot that he is, he would probably eat it and go right back out. lol

i love cats because they are so independent and look what it gets me! lol
i am to tired now to worry anymore about him.

I'm so sorry to hear Thomas is being naughty, Babe. I know how you feel - one of my cats did this exact same thing to me last year. He hid out under the house for 4 days!!! I was totally distraught and convinced he'd be eaten by stray dogs or raccoons. I tempted him with tuna for 4 days and then finally, he decided to let me "catch" him and bring him in. The funny thing was that he acted like he had missed me soooo much and that he was so glad to be back home! He was my shadow for at least a week, demanding to be petted and stroked constantly.

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