NY - New York City ... Jewel Bako?

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Assistant Cook
Sep 22, 2008
Greatest City in the World - New York, NY
anybody here been there before? i saw it on tv and it seemed like an interesting place. you can eat octopus, drink japanese fruit juice from octopus suction cups, fresh water eel, and a bunch of other intresting things. some of you may find that strange, but they also have a lot of more "normal" dishes if you would such as salmon, shrimp, sushi, etc.

i'm probably not going to get any answers but it's worth a shot. thanks. :)
Sounds like a neat place~ I'd love to go but... don't think I'll make it any time soon.
Sounds like a neat place. Although I used to live just outside NYC, I haven't heard of this place. Are you able to go there?

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