Oops, Did I blow this?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
I put up my own Sugar Free Chunky AppleSauce for my Mother this afternoon. It tastes fantastic.
DH said, "Ew, I don't like Chunky AppleSauce", but as I was spooning this loveliness into the jars, he asked for a bite...
"Yum, can we keep a jar and have that with dinner tonight?"
Nope, Sorry Charlie!

But I digress...
I was looking the jars over as I pulled them from their 20 Water Bath, I saw this...


A HUGE air pocket. :ohmy:
Is this going to be okay, or will my husband get his wish afterall?
Should I stash this jar in the `fridge ? :ermm:
I put up my own Sugar Free Chunky AppleSauce for my Mother this afternoon. It tastes fantastic.
DH said, "Ew, I don't like Chunky AppleSauce", but as I was spooning this loveliness into the jars, he asked for a bite...
"Yum, can we keep a jar and have that with dinner tonight?"
Nope, Sorry Charlie!

But I digress...
I was looking the jars over as I pulled them from their 20 Water Bath, I saw this...

View attachment 21766

A HUGE air pocket. :ohmy:
Is this going to be okay, or will my husband get his wish afterall?
Should I stash this jar in the `fridge ? :ermm:
IMO eat it up quickly.
I don't see why the food abutting that air pocket would not be sterilized after proper water-bath canning, just like everything else in the jar. What's the problem?
I think you should be fine. In the future, it's probably a good idea to run a chopstick, a thin spatula, or something else around the jar in order to get rid of the air bubbles before you put the lids on. Shake it up a bit, the air pocket will go away!

Since it's already sealed, nobody will die. No worries!
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Yuper, I took a wooden chopstick and tried to get ride of air pockets, but I guess I missed this one.
It's almost cooled down, so I stashed it in the `fridge.
When mu husband came home for supper, I told he got his wish...
you should have seen the smile on this face!
I guess I'll just have to make more, especially if Mister likes it...
I don't know anything about canning, but that sure does look like a good applesauce, kgirl. :yum:
Hm. I understood it to say that microorganisms can get into the jar while the jar is being filled, but that processing will kill them. In any case, there is going to be air in the top of the jar for head space, which is not considered dangerous.
I agree, your bubble is just relocated head space. In a water bath canner, the stuff in the jars boils, and can move around.
Personally, I think it would be fine, since the contents boil in the canning process air is bound to move around. There is air in the headspace too! I would be worried if it appeared after the processing.

Breakfast this morning, TJ's Chicken Garlic & Herb Sausages
Wheat Toast with gobs of butta and scrambled fresh Eggs
from my GF's chicks


and small ramekin of Sugar Free Chunky AppleSauce,
which went beautifully with the meal,
it complimented the sausage wonderfully
Personally, I think it would be fine, since the contents boil in the canning process air is bound to move around. There is air in the headspace too! I would be worried if it appeared after the processing.

well said.

and you're on with the arm wrestling.

although. i need to speak to dh first. (i lose one, then he loses one, and so on. and then we get to share all of the goodies we want...)
Looks delicious!

Just so you know, I wasn't trying to change your mind about whether this jar of apple sauce is safe. I just want to understand for myself the details of how canning works.
This was a suprisingly tasty AppleSauce!
All I did was peel, core, cut the apples into eight even chunks,
put them into an 8-quart pot with about 1/2 a cup of filtered water.
Cooked them covered for about 15 minutes or so until the fruit was tender, took the stick blender to them, sparingly as not to mush it too much,
we wanted chunks, gave it a taste, and BAM!
I did add a half of a packet of Splenda (Mom likes sweet stuff) and a couple'a good shakes of ground cinnamon just before spooning into the jars. But really it was sweet enough without the sugar substitute,
I used all Fuji Apples, DELISH!
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