Opening Day Stay-At-Home Tailgate - 9/13/20

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
We had grilled chicken with homemade guacamole, chips and watermelon.


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That looks wonderful.

Thanks! My middle niece showed me the recipe for the guacamole. It's so good! The chicken was marinaded in a pineapple juice with chili pepper concoction. Also turned out tasty!

Yours looks great too. I'm glad you posted the recipe!
Well, tonight I cooked for the first time in a while. We've had wonderful "delivered to the trunk" extraordinary meals lately from Hozey's but their weekly dinner specials are only available Wed. thru Sat.

Sooooo...time to "rattle those pots and pans" in my kitchen this Sunday.
I'm feeling back to near normal now, so it was actually fun.

I made an oven dish I've done for many years. It's easy, and really tasty.

Lay out some sliced pork shoulder strips (often sold as farmer boneless ribs), in a 9x13pan. Season with s&p along with garlic. Sprinkle the whole pan of meat with dark brown sugar, (bout 1/2 c.) then some big 'blops' all over with Hienz Chili Sauce, and top everything with thin sliced lemon slices. Bake at 375 for nearly an hour, adding a pan of seasoned and oiled asparagus to the oven for the last ten minutes.

I served it with roughly mashed golden potatoes with butter and chives, thanks to the Souschef.
Dang....good easy home cooking...


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Well, tonight I cooked for the first time in a while. We've had wonderful "delivered to the trunk" extraordinary meals lately from Hozey's but their weekly dinner specials are only available Wed. thru Sat.

Sooooo...time to "rattle those pots and pans" in my kitchen this Sunday.
I'm feeling back to near normal now, so it was actually fun.

I made an oven dish I've done for many years. It's easy, and really tasty.

Lay out some sliced pork shoulder strips (often sold as farmer boneless ribs), in a 9x13pan. Season with s&p along with garlic. Sprinkle the whole pan of meat with dark brown sugar, (bout 1/2 c.) then some big 'blops' all over with Hienz Chili Sauce, and top everything with thin sliced lemon slices. Bake at 375 for nearly an hour, adding a pan of seasoned and oiled asparagus to the oven for the last ten minutes.

I served it with roughly mashed golden potatoes with butter and chives, thanks to the Souschef.
Dang....good easy home cooking...
WOW, K! That all looks and sounds fantastic.
...I'm feeling back to near normal now, so it was actually fun...Dang....good easy home cooking...
Kayelle, it's good to know you're feeling better. :flowers: Around these parts that cut of meat is a country style rib. I've made them almost the same way you do, but I never thought of topping them with lemon slices. I will need to remember that for the next time I make them.
We ordered Greek food from a resto that is new to us. It was good. My only quibble is the lemon sauce they put on the Greek, roasted potatoes. I've never had lemon sauce on it before and it seemed like a package sauce.
DH got some bacon-wrapped beef filets from Kroger, so we're having those tonight. Baked potatoes and caprese salad on the side.
Dinner. DH wanted to cook the steak and it was his first time. It could have used a bit more crust, but it was juicy and delicious :yum: I made the potatoes and beans. DH wanted beans, so hey - maybe I'll make a plate of caprese salad for lunch :yum:20200913_202724.jpg
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