Please Don't Talk About Me While I'm Gone

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Chef Extraordinaire
Sep 9, 2004
NoVA, beyond the Beltway
(anybody know that song?)

Got slammed with some new, unheard-of-before-this-morning deadlines at work. :shock: February is gonna be brutal, with several massive waves of incoming material. We have to call in extra troops to help me and the graphics designer just to get it all done.

I have to call the IT people tonight to learn how to hook up to the company's network from my home PC because I'll be slinging all kinds of words and committing some serious punctuation and grammar (plus more) at all hours over the next three weeks.

So this means I won't be around here as much to bother people and be a smart-aleck.

Alix, I will find and post the shrimp creole recipes for you, but I promise nothing else
for now until I can get a handle on all the crap coming my way.

So....until I can come up for air - welcome to all newbies, happy birthday to all birthday-ers, and miss you to one and all. I may be able to bop in and out to do a little reading, but that will probably be it.

Just wanted to let y'all know that I didn't disappear without a good reason.
If we have anything to say it will be " sure do miss ol mudbug around here..things are so quiet...LOL":) :) :)
Here's one Northerner who's gonna miss one Southerner. Now I ask ya, how often does that happen in real life?:mrgreen:

Do whatcha gotta do, Mudbug, and then hurry back. The place won't be the same without you.

Seeeeeeya; (hopefully soon) Goodweed of the North
sorry to hear you will be MIA, mudbug! hope work goes more smoothly than you expect - you know we'll be here when you come back! :)
Hang in there Mudbug, we'll keep your spot warm:LOL: Plus we will miss you mucho..Hurry back..
or...maybe we should talk about her while she's gone....:glare:

I say we do.

Mudbug is the limoncello princess, you know. Her dad made it up in batches many times.
jkath said:
or...maybe we should talk about her while she's gone....:glare:

I say we do.

Mudbug is the limoncello princess, you know. Her dad made it up in batches many times.


Mudbug likes eggs.
that's ok, go ahead, leave!!!! we won't miss you, not one bit. man, this is the best freakin day of my life. :angry:

(i'm so depressed. hurry back, no excuses...)

I'll miss ya' mud! Good luck with all of the extra work. Be sure to have a few extra bottles of red on hand--you'll need and deserve them!

Talk to you in March!:) {hugs}
Don't you know that DC and your friends here come before work???

Can't wait till you are back. I miss you already!
Don't work too hard, mud. You will be missed. Don't you just hate it when work interferes with your personal life!:LOL:
all work and no play...

be careful to not let yourself get run down! All that work can't be good for you! I hope you are successful in the task at hand!!! Maybe the extra hired help will get the job done ahead of time! Good luck and hurry back!:)

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