Police Test Diet oh joy...

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Wish I could agree with the whole "milk is good for ya thing" ... but I just can't. Humans are the only species that drink milk after they've been weaned. Not to mention that we're the only species strange enough to drink milk from other creatures... Giving up milk is not gonna hurt ya. =) In fact, it may help!

I didn't read the whole thread, sorry... I could only get so far.

Just wanted to stop by real fast said let everyone know what's up. I am working with a really good trainer, and I have lost 7 pounds so far !!!

Take care guys, I'll keep in touch. May 31 is coming fast:)

That's great PK of course now that the Philly PD is using

(phildelphia inquirer)

you may not need to run so fast.....

I was thinking about your efforts this week when the cops told our community meeting that they did not have enough manpower to keep someone in the mobile unit and it kept getting tagged with graffiti while they were driving around.
just reading about the hill sprints made me breathless but I could see where the training would come in handy on a rookie's beat if a perp is hopping fences to get away---congrats on losing the 7 lbs. and getting into better shape, PastaKing!
Wish I could agree with the whole "milk is good for ya thing" ... but I just can't. Humans are the only species that drink milk after they've been weaned. Not to mention that we're the only species strange enough to drink milk from other creatures... Giving up milk is not gonna hurt ya. =) In fact, it may help!

I didn't read the whole thread, sorry... I could only get so far.

cats and dogs will drink milk by the gallon given half a chance, so it becomes a choice thing. Maybe if other species had the ability and ease of access to a carton of milk,, maybe they would indulge too...;)
Wish I could agree with the whole "milk is good for ya thing" ... but I just can't. Humans are the only species that drink milk after they've been weaned. Not to mention that we're the only species strange enough to drink milk from other creatures... Giving up milk is not gonna hurt ya. =) In fact, it may help!

i've heard vegetarians argue that the two of the foods mentioned in the bible are milk and honey. they're foods that come from animals and insects which don't require injuring the creature.

i couldn't live without ice cold milk. the oreos would get sticky in my mouth and i'd choke to death.
drinking milk, I'm happy to say does not injure Elsie, at all, in fact I'm sure that she's quite relieved. However, my son who does have lactose issues (literally) makes his wife eject right out of bed after a night of pizza
Hi guys I have some interesting updates.

-My body fat jumped up to 20%. Why? I asked a trainer and he said it is because I am benching heavy. He said the fat is bulk muscle.

Can anyone explain this better?

-the Philadelphia Police need cops so bad that they just updated the req. Ready for this?
a) Everyone who takes the written test now gets in. However they pick the highest scores first, the rest get put on a waiting list but one day will get a call back.

b) There is no more lie detector test.

c) You no longer have to bench your body weight. You don't even have to bench half of your body weight. You only need to lift 56% and it is on a machine, not free weight.

d) You no longer have to run a mile and a half
in 12 min, it's 15:57 now.

e) You no longer need to do
50 situps in a min, just 30.

This is very good news for me right lol. I can do all the above.
May 31 is coming fast. Almost time.........

I'm way too sober to figure these out! :LOL:

PastaKing said:
My body fat jumped up to 20%. Why? I asked a trainer and he said it is because I am benching heavy. He said the fat is bulk muscle.

Fat is not bulk muscle, or any other kind of muscle. You might have gained some weight from power lifting from muscle development - but lifting isn't going to develop/create body fat.

PastaKing said:
c) You no longer have to bench your body weight. You don't even have to bench half of your body weight. You only need to lift 56% and it is on a machine, not free weight.

The last time I took a math course - half of my body weight was 50%, 56% is actually 6% MORE weight than half my body weight! And, if I remember my training right - a pound of free weights weighs the same as a pound of machine weight.
I'm way too sober to figure these out! :LOL:

Fat is not bulk muscle, or any other kind of muscle. You might have gained some weight from power lifting from muscle development - but lifting isn't going to develop/create body fat.

The last time I took a math course - half of my body weight was 50%, 56% is actually 6% MORE weight than half my body weight! And, if I remember my training right - a pound of free weights weighs the same as a pound of machine weight.

lol your right 56% is more. Thank you for making me feel stupid:LOL:

Your wrong about the weight thing though. The machine helps make it feel lite, so you can lift easy. If you go to a gym give it a try, you'll see what I mean.

As for the fat %, I even went up in weight. I'm almost 210 now. I don't get it, I am lifting more then I ever have, I am running faster and longer then ever before and I cut the carbs like crazy and stay away from junk food. The only thing I can think of is what the trainer said. I am gaining bulk muscle and some how that is fat, but a good kind of fat.

yea......i donnoo:wacko:
Good Luck PK we really do need more good cops.

I wouldnt worry about the #s so much sounds like your training has you builing stamina and strength. If you feel healthier and stronger then it is good.
... As for the fat %, I even went up in weight. I'm almost 210 now. I don't get it, I am lifting more then I ever have, I am running faster and longer then ever before and I cut the carbs like crazy and stay away from junk food. The only thing I can think of is what the trainer said. I am gaining bulk muscle and some how that is fat, but a good kind of fat.

yea......i donnoo:wacko:

Muscle actually weighs more than fat, so as you're increasing muscle, your weight goes up.

Go Ask Alice!: Fat to muscle?
First, how are you measuring your body fat content? The only accurate way is hydrostatic weighing, which refers to weighing you while you are completely immersed in water. Calipers and Tanita-type body fat scales are only a rough estimate, and you can get different results before and after perforning such tasks as cardio exercise, drinking a pint of water, taking a shower, or having a bowel movement.

Second, the statement that fat is bulk muscle is totally false. Fat is fat, muscle is muscle, and never the twain shall meet. When you exercise, your body will spend the first 20 minutes or so burning up the glycogen (carbohydrates) stored in your muscles, then it will start buring fat. Building muscle with resistance training such as free weights or weight machines will cause your body to continue to burn fat up to 28 hours AFTER you finish exercising, because muscle consumes approximately 50 calories per pound per hour, just because it is muscle, and even more when it is rebuilding itself. When I first started lifting heavily, I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat because my body was continuing to burn calories, even AFTER I went to bed. Now, considering I have a water bed, that was kind of scary.

Last but not least, muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. Think of it as the old "what weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?" A pound is a pound, unless it's a pound of gold, which weighs approximately 14½ ounces. Muscle, however, is more dense than fat, so if you were to measure equal VOLUMES of muscle and fat, the muscle would weigh more.
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Which weighs more? A pound of muscle or a pound of fat?
Today was the day. I should have taken a few pics to post here but was way to nervous to think about anything but the test. The line was really really long to get in. It was held at a high school here in Philly, and the line went from the door, down the steps, across the yard and around 2 or 3 blocks. There must have been 7000 people easy. I know they are looking for a lot of cops, but I really don't know now. Having seen all the people there, I'm sure only the very top will get in because they have so much to pick from. I will be shocked if I get in to be honest. However, I feel like I did really good on the test. I didn't think it was easy. Lots of trick questions, and it turns out the PE part isn't until later, so I have even more time to train.

What kind of trick question? Here is one I remember: "To get a warrant a police officer has to give the judge sworn statements, and provide facts of probable cause. Joe cop goes before the judge with probable cause and asked for a warrant."

A-Joe will get the warrant

B-Joe will not get the warrant

c-Need more info

On this question I said "need more info". If you really look, you see that Joe asked for the warrant, but the question never says he has a sworn statement of facts. It just says that he asked.

Lots of little trick questions like that all over the test.

I should know how I did over the next few weeks. I will keep you all posted.
Today was the day. I should have taken a few pics to post here but was way to nervous to think about anything but the test. The line was really really long to get in. It was held at a high school here in Philly, and the line went from the door, down the steps, across the yard and around 2 or 3 blocks. There must have been 7000 people easy. I know they are looking for a lot of cops, but I really don't know now. Having seen all the people there, I'm sure only the very top will get in because they have so much to pick from. I will be shocked if I get in to be honest. However, I feel like I did really good on the test. I didn't think it was easy. Lots of trick questions, and it turns out the PE part isn't until later, so I have even more time to train.

What kind of trick question? Here is one I remember: "To get a warrant a police officer has to give the judge sworn statements, and provide facts of probable cause. Joe cop goes before the judge with probable cause and asked for a warrant."

A-Joe will get the warrant

B-Joe will not get the warrant

c-Need more info

On this question I said "need more info". If you really look, you see that Joe asked for the warrant, but the question never says he has a sworn statement of facts. It just says that he asked.

Lots of little trick questions like that all over the test.

I should know how I did over the next few weeks. I will keep you all posted.

have thought of you off and on, and wondered how you were doing. i am sure you did well on test. equally sure you will get in. trust me if my ex's boy could get in , you are a shoo-in. lol

best luck


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