Pregnancy thread for Mrs Mac

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Thats a clever little boy Corazon! My daughters change their minds about what they think although Jess would prefer a boy cause she said she asked for a little sister before and now has some regrets!!! Erin mostly wants a girl cause she is a very girly little girl and wants to dress the baby in lots of pink!
I miss the movement (except for the pushing on the bladder, especially at night). I remember feeling "weird" when I found out my second baby was a boy. I only knew "girl" things. I felt odd having a male organ inside of me all day every day!

Csections: My first c-section was a breeze - walked the next day, left the hospital in my itty bitty jeans and the scar was almost invisible.

The second one not so breezy - the stiches would not heal - inside and out - had to stay extra days in the hospital - alot of swelling - alot of bleeding - no itty bitty jeans this time (still not wearing itty bitty jeans 20 months later!). I had to go to the doctor every other day. But its over now, we seem to forget the bad and remember the good. We just watched the video of Jace being born last night - I still cry.
C sections seem like they would be harder to recover from. Having surgery and a baby would be a lot to handle, but I really have no idea. I just know from my experiences. For both the kids, we arrived at the hospital at midnight and had them at about 6am. They were also both due on the 15th, Aidan was 7 days late and Callum was 6.
OK ladies admit it...what we all really miss is having folks cater to us when we were pregnant. I was perfectly capable of doing everything with both babies (even played volleyball til I was nearly 7 months with the first one) but loved having folks tell me I couldn't do something and have them jump into the breach for me. LOL. I especially liked waving my belly in traffic so that I could cross whenever I felt like it.
And I have to say that I would FAR rather recover from a plain old c section than all that bloody labour any day. I didn't find the recovery all that terrible (except for an abcess in my incision the first time). The labour SUCKED though.
LOL Alix! I noticed the belly waving too. I was also waiting tables when I was begining to show, I made much better tips with that belly of mine. We went to visit family when I was about 7 1/2 months pregnant. A bunch of us went on a hike together (my worried mom and paranoid stepdad included), they kept telling me of what I couldn't do. And how this wasn't a good way to get down because I couldn't do it. I insisted I was comfortable doing this hike. I was so frustrated by the end. Every 5 minutes was a check up on me. I kept telling everyone I was fine but would they listen? dh stood up for me though, he knew I was perfectly able.
They didn't have ultra-sounds when I had my babies...or epidurals. They did do C-sections in case of emergency, but that was the exception.

My step-daughter had to have c-sections with both her girls, and she said it was awfully hard to pick up a baby with a sore tummy. Labor is terrible, or at least it was for me, but when it's over, it's over. It takes longer to get over having your belly sliced open.

I had a complete hysterectomy when I was 44, including both ovaries and even my appendix. I had no idea how much pain I would be in afterward. :sick:
Constance, that sounds a whole lot more involved than just yanking a baby out of there.

In my case by the time they got around to the first C Section I'd been in labour for 40 hours and was darned near done in. I was telling Ken to make sure the baby saw pictures of me because I thought I was going to die. The SECOND one was planned so I wouldn't have to do labour ever EVER again. Poor Ken had to watch through the first one and was with me all the way on never doing labour again. I can't even imagine how tough it is to watch someone you love in that kind of pain and not be able to help. It scared the beegeebees out of both of us.

I don't mean to downplay the difficulty of recovering from a section, just that for was the lesser of two evils. BIG TIME.
I lucked out during labor and it was all due to three little words:

"where's the epidural?"

I had a long time with my daughter. Went into hospital on Thursday evening and she wasn't born until the next evening. I was fine. HH was a wreck - no comfy place to sleep in the room. The sorest part of me was my hand where they stuck the epidural feed in.

What I remember most is during the latter stages, watching the Anita Hill - Clarence Thomas hearings and then Entertainment Tonight (both the doc and I were watching TV by then) and HH watching the monitor and saying, "I think you need to push now." Then Dad called in the middle of all the excitement.
I was hard headed and wouldn't listen to anyone. I went through natural childbirth with both of mine. 21 hours with the first, 16 with the second.
The first one, I had a little tube of ether that they told me to suck to calm me down, like that would help, but, hubby took a whiff and then I did and exhaled in his face, he remembers hitting the wall thermostat box, tripping over my i.v. and yanking my mom in the room as it was spinning. LOLOLOL, I don't remember that but, hearing them talk about it, sure is funny!!
I was alone with my second. He was a month early and I told hubby to go on to work, had 3 false labors with 1st, so, wasn't worried. Then, when it really was time, his stupid boss turned off the beeper and then they had to wheel me in fast and momma didn't have time to put on a gown. I had Eclampsia. I was going into a seizure, plus, his heart beat was almost non existant during contractions, ended up being the cord around his neck. That was SCARY!! Especially at 18. I stayed in the hospital a week waiting for my liver to shrink back down. My son stayed for 2 weeks to get to 4 lbs. THAT was more painful than the whole labor and post labor ordeal!!
Alix said:
Constance, that sounds a whole lot more involved than just yanking a baby out of there.

In my case by the time they got around to the first C Section I'd been in labour for 40 hours and was darned near done in. I was telling Ken to make sure the baby saw pictures of me because I thought I was going to die. The SECOND one was planned so I wouldn't have to do labour ever EVER again. Poor Ken had to watch through the first one and was with me all the way on never doing labour again. I can't even imagine how tough it is to watch someone you love in that kind of pain and not be able to help. It scared the beegeebees out of both of us.

I don't mean to downplay the difficulty of recovering from a section, just that for was the lesser of two evils. BIG TIME.

Alix, I understand where you are coming from with the recovery from a section. The first one was easy - I didn't have any problem picking the baby up or anything like that. But, I was living in a hotel (staff to clean, cook, etc) plus my mom stayed with me for 8 weeks. Second one-other than the stitches not healing, recovery was okay - no problems picking up baby, etc. Again, my mom stayed with me for two weeks then DH took off a week.

I feel sorry for those people who have to labor AND do c-section - that might be different. My first was breach and my second was breech then turned then turned head up then turned again to breech. We decided to play it safe - in the end, it was the best decision.

If I had to be on my own recovering from c-section, I may not say it was as easy.

Texasgirl, Oh my gosh! Girlfriend, I feel for you! I'm glad everything turned out okay for you! I cannot imagine the emotions going through your head - not to mention the hormones! Glad you are here!
I couldn't agree with you more mudbug. Epidural with both the kids.

Aidan was more painful, especially the time at home. We lived 5 mins from the hospital so I wanted to be sure before we went, I didn't want to get sent home. Went to the hospital at midnight. Had the epidural maybe an hour later. dh took a nap and I was in and out of sleep. We had a great nurse and a nurse in training, which I was worried when I first found that out but it turned out to be great because the nurse was explaining everything to the training nurse so I got bonus info. As it turns out too, her brother worked with dh. doc came in and I pushed about 20 mins. dh said I was blue. Aidan also had the cord wrapped around his neck. Had a great doctor though. He was joking around and telling stories but when the contraction would begin, it was all buisness. Born at 5:58am

Callum was easy, not very painful at home but was very quick! By the time I figured out I was in labor, the contractions were 5 minutes apart. We now live 45 mins from the hospital but we made it in 25! Got there, like with Aidan, at midnight. Vaguely remember all the details. Our doctor came in and said he wanted me to push to see what was going on. I gave one tiny push and he said "stop! stop!" Then he got all ready and Callum came out with one push. Born at 5:53am

Afterpains were stronger with Callum, which is very common but ibuprofen was all I needed for about 2 days. Bled for 8 weeks though.

BTW, have you guys seen that goofy sculpture of Britney Spears "giving birth?" She's all naked on a bear skin rug supposedly having her son. She had a c section because she was scared of going through labor!
Mrsmac? You still around for a while? Make sure you keep us posted on whats up with you.
Mrsmac is Recovering

Hi everybody, I heard from mrsmac's daughter via email. Before her surgery I told mrsmac that I would check in with her daughter via email to check on her recovery. This is the email I got:

Hey this is jess her daughter. The surgury went well and the baby is fine shes still in alot of pain and finds it hard to use the crutches but has a wheelchair now thank goodness shes is having her stiches out on moday and a fibre glass cast is being put on her leg then aswell. from jess

It is so good to hear she is healing. I will keep you updated to any news I hear. I just wanted to pass this on to her friends at DC!
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