Pressure Cooker Recipes?

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Assistant Cook
Dec 17, 2006
Hi everyone!
I just got a really nice pressure cooker, but I'm having a hard time finding recipes that sound good. I've tried the Vicki's site, and found a few things there. But I want to know what your favorite and easiest pressure cooker recieps are! So far I've only make a potato and a whole chicken. I'm ready to venture out a little more! One thing I'm finding though is that all the recipes seems a litlte too fancy for my taste. I just want something simple! Thanks for your help!
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Brown a chuck roast on both sides, add about 4 c. water and 2 packages dried onion soup mix. Cook at 10 lbs pressure for 45 minutes. Add chunks of carrot and potatoes and cook at 15 lbs pressure for 4 minutes. That's my favorite pot roast recipe.
Thanks, I'll have to try it! I have never attempted a roast before. Is chuck roast a lean cut of beef? I try to make at least somewhat healthy things. :)
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It is economical, and it seems pretty lean to me. Here is a link to some comparisons. I use arm, round, etc. any of the tougher cuts. Unfortunately, the soup mix is very high in sodium, but it tastes so good we have it for an occasional treat.

Beef, It's What's for Dinner
Don't really know what you mean by being too "complex" - or what you would consider to be "simple", Heather. A pressure cooker basically only reduces the cooking time for some meals - it doesn't alter the complexity.

Here are some other sites with Pressure Cooker Recipes you might check out.
I also do a 7 blade chuck roast. No need for the soup. Salt, Pepper, flour and brown. Put in with about 1 cup of liquid and do 15 pounds pressure. Cook 15 minutes a pound. Let off steam, add potatoes and carrots and do another 15 minutes at 15 pounds pressure.
I have Arroz con Pollo (Chicken and Rice Cuban Style)

I use boneless/skinless thighs in my dish but you can use breast meat if that is your preference.

1 poundish of chicken meat
1 bottle of beer (any brand or style will do)
1 can of peas with liquid
1 small can of tomatoe sauce
1 medium jar of pimentos with liquid
1 t of salt to start with (More if you prefer)
1/4 cup-ish of cooking wine
1 bag of valencia rice (Small bag, what are they? 1 lb?)
1 t of Amarillo (Yellow powdered food coloring)
Dash of cumin, about 1/4-1/2 t if I had to measure
Throw all ingredients into the pressure. Take the containers that some foods came in (peas for instance) and empty them into the pressure cooker and put a little water in empty can and swish around and add to pressure pot.

Once all ingredients are in the pot lock and load, once your topper begins to make that jiggling hissing sound...TURN IT OFF

There should be enough liquid in the pot to sustain your dish, that is why it is important to use all the containers and swish water in all of them, beer included.

If you need any other questions, then drop me a PM, I will be happy to answer them as best I can.
My easiest and tastiest pressure cooker recipe is shredded BBQ beef! Very simple. I use a 3 to 5 lb roast, chuck or something inexpensive. Put a bit of oil in the pan and sear both sides on fairly high heat. Then put in some liquid - either water or beef bouillion, up to a cup, depending on if the meat has much fat on it or not. Little fat means add more liquid. Then turn on the heat to medium high and set the weight on it. I'll cook it at 15lbs pressure for maybe 45 minutes, or until it just falls apart when I check it. Then shred the meat with a fork in each hand. Pour on lots of your favorite BBQ sauce, (I usually add brown sugar and liquid smoke as well), stir well and heat it all up. Then dish up the meat on hamburger buns. It makes a lot so you can have BBQ beef sandwiches for a few days and tastes wonderful! Good luck.
I would suggest adding some pressure cooker cookbooks to your library. Lorna Sass is one author of several well-received books on the subject.
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