Refrigerator Is On It's Way Out.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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I understand, Corey...been there, done that. I am 59, my husband is 61, and we can finally afford the fridge of our dreams. Every time we hear the ice pop out of the ice-maker, we smile.
It's been a long time comin'...
Sears offers a 14 cubic foot model that comes with an ice maker, but I won't be able to use the icemaker.

I'd have to pay someone to come out and hook it up to the water line, which I'm not about to do, and besides, I own a separate ice-making machine that works perfectly well. So I feel that I souldn't have to pay for an ice maker that I can't or won't be using.

I just want a basic no-frills frost free fridge like the two that I bought years ago.

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I just ordered a new 11 cubic foot Whirlpool frost free fridge online from Lowe's the other night. It should arrive in the store in two weeks, and Lowe's will then contact me to try to set up a delivery date.

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Using my first post to say:

I'm sorry, folks, really.
I never envisioned introducing myself to this forum in this way....but let me back up just a tad.
I've been lurking around this forum for a few weeks now. I found this place because I was chasing information about KA mixers and the info available in the threads here is amazing! (Thanks Chocolate and others for the info that lead to my getting a Hobart KA!)

The reason I started this way is 'cuz I read something in this thread that I just couldn't abide!
I read a couple of assertions that I can't let pass without challenge; these types of statements (dire warnings of danger with no factual basis) are the beginnings of "urban legends" that just get bigger.

BuckyTom, I mean no disrepect to you.
You wrote:
1. <could be leaking freon, in which case it could be dangerous.>
2. <you could get cancer from breathing in freon.>
3. < the guy that created refrigeration died from it...>

I'm no chef and I'm willing to bet you're a very good one, but on today's Refrigeration Quiz, I afraid you get three 'F's!

1. Freon is non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, non-flammable and many other wonderful things (reference links aplenty on request). Freon is not dangerous in any way except that it does not contain Oxygen, so you coudn't use it in your scuba tank.:D The release of all of the freon in a typical fridge into a typical kitchen would not pose a danger, even if it were a sudden release. Though you'd probably step out of the room for a minute 'cuz it would make a temporary fog(!)
There is evidence that chloroflourocarbons used in SOME freon types may be harming the ozone layer and this has lead to the industry siwtching to different freons for some applications. The "freon 22" that has been the most common in refrigerators is ( I believe) not even in that group.

2. patently false, see above.

3. False. Not sure where to start with this one. The guy who "created refrigeration" is sorta vague...the earliest inventor was in the 1700's and he didn't develop it further, the first guy to really put it to practical use on a large scale (Carrier) was in the late 1800's.
Now here's the "bit o'truth" that fuels this type of misunderstanding: before Freon was invented, all refrigeration systems used dangerous gases as the refrigerant. These gases were typically Ammonia, sulphur dioxide or Methyl Chloride. These were definitely dangerous and there were, in fact, fatalities associated with their release. Home refrigerators were not common at the time in part because of the danger and their high cost. To get the cost down, volume (sales) would have to go up...for that to happen, the danger would have to be eliminated. The industry got together to fix the problem; GM, Frigidaire and DuPont jointly created 'Freon' in 1928. Safe refrigerators were now available and millions were sold in just the first year. The man in the group who was credited with the invention of CFCs was Thomas Midgley,Jr.
Mr. Midgley held many patents and did not die of cancer.

Yes, there was a time three-quarters of a century ago when household refrigerators were actually dangerous! Modern refrigerators, of course, have nothing to do with those dangers other than as a historical footnote.

The little history above shows where the basis of the tale actually is rooted in truth, but its outdated and now becomes an "old wive's tale.

BuckyTom: I know that you probably think I'm jumpin' on you, but I'm not. I understand that you were probably just repeating what you heard elsewhere. Lord knows I'm guilty of the same thing on many occasions! I am rather surprised that no-one questioned it. I guess thats what prompted me to butt in.
My apologies if I offended anyone.

Sincerely, Ricky
There WAS an incident where a Stop & Stop supermarket had suffered a refrigerant (freon) leak from a walk-in freezer. The store was forced to immediately evacuate all of its customers and employees for fear that the freon was very toxic.

No one was harmed though, since they took precautionarfy measures.

Yes, I, also, found this forum the same way by searching for info on K'Aid mixers.

And BTW, my new fridge will be delivered on Tuesday.

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The new fridge was delivered yesterday, and it's nice, runs much quieter and is very elegant looking with a black cabinet and stainless steel doors!
rofl nufsaid, gotcha!

i'm sorry to have gotten your ire up, but i was only teasing corey. afaik, freon doesn't cause cancer. :)

a few weeks ago, corey mentioned having a defective microwave, and we joked around about it being dangerous. well, since teasing seemed to annoy corey, a normal person would have stopped.

but i'm not normal.:w00t2:

sorry about the confusion...
Congrats! Darn shame about the fridge magnets,eh? Seriously, tho, black with SS doors sounds like a good combo. For ages, I have had just mundane white top freezer Kenmores; A few years back I inherited a black Amana s-by-s and the color really spruces up the kitchen!

Buckytom, not a problem! it seems I walked in on the middle of an inside I do that a lot!:rolleyes: No Ire, BTW, just concern that others might see it and 'run with it' and, well, you know how fast and long-lived those internet rumors can be!

BTW, re: your tag line, OJW was Eastwood's absolutely BEST work.
Now, spit. :ohmy:

it is one of the greatest movies of all time, imo. so many great quotes. (my wife thinks i'm nuts when i say them to my 2 y.o. son):

for when he tosses stuff out the car window : "buzzards gotta eat, same as a worm..."

for when he has diaper rash: "now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. i mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. that's just the way it is."

for when he warms up the water mid-bath (duck!): "there's another saying, senator: don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining."

for boo-boos: "anyone gets hit, sing out. slap iron to it. it's the fastest way to stop the bleeding."

we've been working on the squint, and how to mosey across the living room.
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lol nufsed.

well, at least my treachery worked in some way. it got you to log in and make yorself known.

btw, welcome. have you gone to the intros and boithdays section to introduce yourself?
buckytom said:
rofl nufsaid, gotcha!

i'm sorry to have gotten your ire up, but i was only teasing corey. afaik, freon doesn't cause cancer. :)

a few weeks ago, corey mentioned having a defective microwave, and we joked around about it being dangerous. well, since teasing seemed to annoy corey, a normal person would have stopped.

but i'm not normal.:w00t2:

sorry about the confusion...

You are fastly earning a spot on my crap list.:ROFLMAO:

I already knew that leaking freon is not linked to cancer. It happens all the time, especially with cars, as well as everything else.

hmmm, i don't think threats or poor english are very nice corey.

i'm not the first to have crossed there, it seems.

i wonder if there's an appliance that has a "sense of humor" setting?
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You're right, it did bring me out of the woodwork!

I've been known for jumping in with both feet...while scarcely looking where I'm going! There's nothing quite as engaging for me as a dire warning that begs debunking or an outrageous claim which dares a challenge. I do hope to learn a bit about cooking while I'm here,too.
Sometimes I seem to be playing Gilda Radner's role as the misguided curmudgeon who rails about the latest outrage, only to be told by Jane Curtain (sp?) that "no, dear, the report said that he had pricked his finger, not uhm..."

and now, doing my best Richard Nixon:

I am not a cook...

I CAN cook, but...

I am not a cook.

I'm looking for an apartment-size unit about 12 cubic feet or so. Two-door frost free. I found two possiblities online at Sears, A General Electric 12.0 cubic foot and a Kenmore 10.3 cubic foot.:neutral:

Do any of you have either one of these models? If so, do you like them and do they work well? Or do you have any other suggestions on what to get?:ermm:

When I'm looking to buy a major appliance, I usually start calling a lot of the REPAIR shops in town and TRY to talk to a technician (preferably a tech that services ALL the brand and models I'm considering), on the phone if they will let me. Sometimes I get good info, other times I might get different opinions on the same model. I usually don't take the salesman's word, unless I know he can be trusted.
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