Rescued Pets

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If we catch her and its a girl we are going to name her mini. As in mini golly. Not sure if mini will work for a boy tho. She didn't seem too terrified of us- just really shy, so she could be a nice cat. Hopefully we will find out...
Naming pets can be such a funny thing. My latest dog is Rosebud, as many of you know. My husband didn't have any pets until he met me, and always wanted a dog named Rosebud. Our first two dogs weren't named that, and I didn't know why until husband told me he was afraid my mother might be offended if he named a dog "Rose". Oh,heck. I wouldn't have chosen that name, but Rosebud she is. She doesn't answer to Rosie or Buddy, which I'd have thought. But Rosebud is her name, and that's what she is.

The thing that gets me is that you kind of need to name a dog or cat at first (I'm talking adopted), but sometimes their personality only comes out when they are comfortable with you.

The ladies I work with a couple of times a week recently acquired a beautiful white/gray/blue eyed little kitty. The primary care giver wanted to name her "Ginger" Huh? No, she isn't a ginger cat. she needs a name that has to go with her. She has the prettiest blue eyes and her fur tends to the blue side of white/gray and she has the prettiest blue eyes.

I wanted to name her "Cat Balou".
I always wait to get to know a furry friend before assigning a name. Sometimes I give a name a trial run.

My first pet, I was 24, was an adorable kitten with really long, blue fur. I gave him a cute name, Nissen, which is Danish for the elf/gnome/pixie. After a month, his name was "The Beast", shortened to Beastie or Beastikins. It just suited him much better.

I had a really hard time with the name for a young female cat found on the street. So, it was "hey you" and "kitty" and "hey cat" for at least a month. Then as I was walking home one day, the name "Sucha" popped into my head. When I got home, I asked her if she wanted to have that name. She meowed something and seemed to like it, so Sucha it was.

We tried out all kinds of names for the 10 week old kitten who became the large tomcat who lives with me now. None seemed right. A friend who spent a lot of time at our house and knew the kitten well suggested "Shrederik". The kitten liked to shred any piece of paper, cardboard, styrofoam , paper towel roll, etc. he could find. He is known as Shrederik, Shreddie, Shreddikins, and sometimes "The Shredster".

I always try to make sure there is an "s" in a cat's name. I have been told it is easier for cats to recognize words with that sound.

I have had one dog. She was six months old when we bought her and already answered to Sasha. It was part of a very long name on her pedigree papers. We didn't change her name.
When Spike bought Teddy Bear for his wife Sandy, he was all fur. She stated that he looked like a small teddy bear. He had a name. So when my son registered him his full name is Theodore (Teddy) Ursine (Latin for Bear) Sandy (after his wife) and Beach (his favorite place to run and play). A lot of times those long registered names include the linerage. The AKC has seen all sorts of names. Very rarely do they refuse a name. Mostly if it is unacceptable language. People like to think they are being cute when they are really being stupid. :angel:
Rosebud was named "Kat" by the shelter we purchased her from. It was short for "meerkat" because she loves to walk around on her hind legs. My husband asked me if he could re-name her. I don't know, hun, let me do something. I called her using Kat, and called her using Rosebud. She responded to the latter, and not to the former. So that was simply that.

I think that two sylables is better than one, and alliteration is good as well. My last dog was Keiki (pronounced Kay-Kee) Unfortunately, I let her mother train her, period. I never had to house train her,and she never really responded toher name

My last cat was named FNU LNU. This always got a laugh when I took her to the vets. It is an abbreviation for First Name Unknown, Last Name Unknown. Since we were living in the military at the time, every once in awhile someone would get it. She was a stray. Her mom had a litter on our doorstep in Hawaii, and took all the other kittens away and left us with FNU LNU.. She decided to move in and we kept her for the years we lived there. When husband got orders, we could only take on animal. The dog won. That said, my exercise instructor just lost her cat, and she adopted FNU LNU.
The neighbor has a dog named Dee Ogee. And a cat named C. A-tee.
3...2...1. :D
Everytime Spike is ready to leave he tells Teddy to jump up on my bed and sit. Stubborn little critter, that dog. He sits except for that last inch. He holds his backside up just an inch from the bed. You have to let them win some battles I guess. :angel:
I have had a look through a few of these pages and guys may I thank you for rescuing a lot of these gorgeous animals.

I myself volunteer with a rescue organisation here and one of the few things I do is foster the babies mainly ones that need bottle feeding. I have 4 of the little puppies here now that are just over 4 wks old. I have had them since they were about 10 days.

I have a rescue dog as well,which I chose off a rescues website about 6 yrs ago & had him sent on a plane to come live with us. So many dogs/cats are being put down its so heart breaking.:(
Poor Teddy. He went to the groomer's Friday, and today he is running a fever. It is the flea shampoo. He just doen't handle it very well.

Teddy as a puppy before he ever got his first haircut.

Teddy today with his cut last Friday

Teddy today in his raincoast. It has a hood that he hates!

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Addie, get some Frontline (or a similar product) and ask your groomer to use a different shampoo. This time of year you shouldn't even need flea shampoo. There are gentle dog shampoos out there, it shouldn't make your pup sick!
Addie, get some Frontline (or a similar product) and ask your groomer to use a different shampoo. This time of year you shouldn't even need flea shampoo. There are gentle dog shampoos out there, it shouldn't make your pup sick!

Spike is going to speak to her next month when he takes Teddy again. He uses Fromtline or something akin. Teddy also had a toenail that was growing staight up instead of out or downward. She pulled it out. There was some bleeding and she put some antibacterial ointment on it. That really has me worried. I think that is something the Vet shoould do. Not a groomer. This month was not a good trip to the groomers. :angel:
If he doesn't have fleas, I would have no idea why a flea shampoo would be used. I would probably check on getting another groomer...also, Frontline/Advantage or similar products break the lifecycle of the flea. When a dog has a flea infestation, 2 treatments, 30 days apart, usually take care of the problem, although in some cases the dog needs to be treated for 6 months. The products include instructions not to bath the dog xx hours (I think it is 48) after applying and not to apply until xx hours (again, I think it is 48) after bathing the dog. It is topical and is absorbed over time through the skin.

How is he today? The fever might be from the toenail--it could have been infected or gotten infected. Spike might want to take him to the vet for a look-see.
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If he doesn't have fleas, I would have no idea why a flea shampoo would be used. I would probably check on getting another groomer...also, Frontline/Advantage or similar products break the lifecycle of the flea. When a dog has a flea infestation, 2 treatments, 30 days apart, usually take care of the problem, although in some cases the dog needs to be treated for 6 months. The products include instructions not to bath the dog xx hours (I think it is 48) after applying and not to apply until xx hours (again, I think it is 48) after bathing the dog. It is topical and is absorbed over time through the skin.

How is he today? The fever might be from the toenail--it could have been infected or gotten infected. Spike might want to take him to the vet for a look-see.
I would like to pull some toenails off the groomers toes...there is a reason pulling finger and toenails off is used as torture, it HURTS!
I would like to pull some toenails off the groomers toes...there is a reason pulling finger and toenails off is used as torture, it HURTS!

I was horrified when Spike told me about the toenail. He is putting bacitracin on it. He is much better today. Spike said that he gets a little feverish anytime he put the Advantage on him. He also has a flea shampoo that he uses. Teddy gets a little lethargic overnight, but that is it. Not like this time after being at the groomers.

Teddy only weighs nine pounds. So he is going to tell her, "No flea treatment anymore." Spike hates to see dogs that have to waddle when they walk with their stomachs almost scraping the ground. So he takes Teddy on three hour walks at least three times a day. He runs into his doggy friends and loves to play with them. When he takes him to the ballpark that is all fenced in, he takes him off his leash and just lets him run loose. Quite often there are two or three other dogs there and he hates to stop running with them. His girlfriend is a great big trained guard German Shepherd. Poor Teddy runs his little legs off trying to keep up with her. So Teddy will never get overweight. And as you can see from his picture, you probably have towels that weigh more than he does. You buy Advantage by the weight of the dog. Spike buys for up to eight pounds. And even then he has a slight reaction for a couple of hours after it is applied. Like a child does after getting an immunization shot.

We both were really worried last night for him. But today he was back to his normal rascally self. Totally ignores me when I call him. But when I said "back scratch", he was right up on my bed. Then he flopped down and over for his tummy scratch and brushing. And today when Spike took him for his afternoon walk, he headed straight for Royals to get his favorite meal. A roast beef sandwich minus the bread and sauce. Then after he ate it, he pulled Spike towards the ball park where his girfriend was running around.

There will be no repeat of this episode again. :angel:
When my cats were at risk for fleas the vet used to prescribe pills or give an injection that was basically a flea contraceptive. It wasn't toxic enough to kill fleas, but any flea that bit one of my cats wouldn't lay any fertile eggs. That stuff was great. Before I moved to the suburbs I had had a real problem with fleas that would go away in winter and come back every spring and my cat hardly ever went outside.

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