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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.

JEOPARDY- Children's Literature
1. ($400)- He kept his wife in a pumpkin shell...
2. ($1200)- Ward Greene's story of the same name inspired this 1955 Disney Feature length cartoon...
3. ($2000)- This German studied law but was more famous for his "Tales", which inspired an 1881 Offenbach opera...

Double JEOPARDY- Historic Women
4.($800)- In the 1880s Roseanna McCoy added fuel to her family's feud by falling in love with a man named this...
5. ($2400)- This American-born saint was a widow with five children when she converted to Catholicism...
6. ($4000)- Iva Toguri d'Aquino, a California-born UCLA graduate, was known by this nickname during WWII...
Final JEOPARDY- Our Sun
Every second the sun converts about 4 million tons of this into helium...
1. who is Peter, Peter, Pumpkin eater ?
2. what is Lady and the Tramp ?
3. who is Hoffman ?
4. what is Hatfield ?
5. who is Mother (Elizabeth Ann) Seaton ?
6. who is Tokyo Rose ?
7. what is Hydrogen ?
Ooooo! A dismal failure today. Think I only got 2 right. EEK! Must keep working on trivia skills!
Yes, it's a tuff set !

Get out your Greek / Roman Mythology lists, so you're ready for the Special this week .................
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