(Semi)-Official Pole - Help: Flowers...what to do?

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Master Chef
Aug 20, 2021
Somewhere in the PNW
So, we're invited over to a neighbors' house tonight to watch the election results come in. Another friend is running for County Sherrif, and we'll be there to support him during this Primary election. I offered to help or bring something, but they've got it covered. I thought, well, I'll bring some flowers. We have hydrangea plants that are trying to take over the yard! I found a cute "bucket" vase and set to work. Guess what? The bucket leaks. DH says, "of course, it is a bucket." So, I moved everything to an old vase I have. Then DH takes the bucket and uses some magic spells - or something else - and presto, the bucket now holds water. Meantime, the flowers don't look bad in the old vase. Should I put them back in the bucket & trust that it won't leak, or just leave well enough alone?

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I think they look cute in the vase! If you're trying to get rid of both the vase and the bucket, you could slip the vase into the bucket. Or if it's the right time of the season to divide hydrangeas, you can cut a bit of plant root and shove into the bucket.
I think they look cute in the vase! If you're trying to get rid of both the vase and the bucket, you could slip the vase into the bucket. Or if it's the right time of the season to divide hydrangeas, you can cut a bit of plant root and shove into the bucket.

Thanks & good ideas! Too hot to go digging, but still a good idea. I'm just looking for a casual hostess-type gift. I can't stand going to someone's home empty handed.
I would use the vase, unless it's something you would rather keep. The bucket might still have a slow leak.
Thanks, taxy! DH preferred the bucket, so I filled it up and moved the flowers back to the bucket. They have been sitting on the counter for a couple of hours now. I do think the bucket is cute. Probably something my (young) neighbor would enjoy more? DH used a very expensive refrigeration sealant on the seams. A sealant we requested to keep, when the fridge guy charged us for a whole tube of the stuff!

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Flowers should be no more than 26 years old, wearing a tux, and ballroom dancing to look their best. Convrtsely, Flowers at age 21, in swim shorts look good too. However. Hide Flowers that are over 45 years old behind loose clothing.

Oh, you mean the plants LOL.

Seriously, pot them in the bucket with roots so they continue to grow.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North (aka Bob Flowers)
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LOL...thanks Chief! I forgot that you are the Flowers expert!

The hydrangeas were a hit. The hostess loved them and the candidate claimed they should be his. Go figure? Should have brought the bucket and the vase?
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