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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
It used to be that the words that I misspekled would get highlated, I misspele a lopt, but recently, maybe a week or so it is not happening. I know I am making mistakes. What is going on?
This site make basic spelling or typo corrections as you type.
I think that's your browser or phone. It doesn't do that for me. I have a spell checker with FireFox that puts a squiggly line under misspelled words. Sometimes it just doesn't know the word. I copy and paste the word from an online dictionary to replace the underlined word (I could miss seeing a typo otherwise). If the underline is still there after that, I add the word to the spell checker's dictionary.
I do use PC, how would I turned off spell-cheker and how do I turn back on?
What browser are you using to access the internet? Chrome? FireFox, Edge? something else? Someone here should be able to help you figure it out, once we know which browser you use. The spellchecker is in the browser.
I think that's your browser or phone. It doesn't do that for me. I have a spell checker with FireFox that puts a squiggly line under misspelled words. Sometimes it just doesn't know the word. I copy and paste the word from an online dictionary to replace the underlined word (I could miss seeing a typo otherwise). If the underline is still there after that, I add the word to the spell checker's dictionary.
Which one taxlady?
I'm not taxlady but here are the details for Firefox:

Go to Settings
Click General
Scroll down to Language
Click on the box where it says "Check your spelling as you type"

These are the details for Chrome:

Go to Settings
Click Advanced
Click Languages
To the right of “Spell check,” turn it on or off.
Thanks. I thought he was using a Firefox (Add on) and there are several to choose from. I have that box checked in "settings". But when typing if I do not correct immediately, the red line will go away and I can send a post with miss-spelled words.
The only way I can be sure is to highlight the whole body of the post. Then right click and click on "check spelling". Its cumbersome and not reliable.
Also there are many words it cannot fix. Its dumb I guess.
Thanks again for your valuable time.
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Possibly a translation error as when Charlie was asked what plugins he had, he said he used Chrome and didn't have any plugins - Add-ons and Plug-ins are just different descriptions of the same thing.

But you don't need any Add-on/Plug-ins as there is a spell-checker built into both Firefox and Chrome. You just have to click to set it on. I use UK English most of the time as I am originally from England, but I have set my spell-checker to US English as most of the sites where I post are US based. Apart from anything else, the English taught in schools here is US English and not UK English.
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Phaedra, thank you for explaining about the spell check. I didn't remember how I had turned it on.

There is another thing you can do. You can get dictionaries for other languages that you want to spell check. I occasionally write a comment on websites with other languages, so I type in those languages (most of the time), if I am posting a comment. You can choose them in the dictionaries section of the Add-ons Manager. My default language is set to Canadian English.

You're welcome taxlady - I was pretty sure I knew where to find the necessary information, but there's nothing like a little bit of help from Google at times!

My keyboard is a dual language one, US English/Hebrew. So it has a $ sign but not a £ sign [I have to use the Alt+ code for that]. And if I want the ₪ Israeli shekel sign I have to change to Hebrew and hit Alt/R+4 - and quickly remember to change back to English again!

Any signs not on my keyboard, ie accents etc I use the Alt codes, although those I use a lot I do remember without having to look them up. The one thing I do not want are unnecessary extensions/plugins etc, just because they might come in handy on odd occasions. I don't like unnecessary clutter on my monitor.
I use the alt codes a lot too. At least I only have one alphabet to deal with. Okay, the Scandinavian languages have three extra letters at the end their alphabets.
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