Spices intrigue me!

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Assistant Cook
Sep 9, 2006
:huh: As a novice cook (age 75) and a novice to this forum. For now, I will keep my question simple. Later, I will amplify on why I seek in-depth help in this "wonderful" area of cooking. First, I seek a book or general info on the combining of spices - some mate, some enhance the other, some are in direct conflict and make the meal more suitable to the garbage can than the table. Secondly, I seek advice on antidotes for overuse of certain spices, knowing full well that some are very mild, but some can dominate using only a few grains. Thank you.
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Maurices...from a relative newbie to another...welcome to DC!!:) :)

There is that wonderful old saying ' spice up your life', well its great to see that you are going to do just that with yours!

I cannot recommend any particular publication I'm afraid, but for me it has always been trial and error with herbs and spices. Just sticking to the amount stated in a recipe is pretty safe then if you feel it needs tweaking next time, go tweak! As far as mixing and matching goes, once again rely on your recipe as one can hopefully assume it is tried and tested. Sticking to the recipe or even erring on the side of caution will hopefully take away the need for any antidote.:chef:
Hi maurices! Welcome to the site.

One day I took out all my spices and I read what they were suited for and best used with. That helped me a LOT! While the label doesn't mention what spice goes with what other spice you will get a feel for it when you see spices labeled for chicken. Put those spices in a group and see what you have. You can keep a list for spices best used for chicken, spices best used for beef, etc.
Sacre bleu Daisy!!! That is one heck of a list.:)

Congratulations to you for that, Im sure Maurices will love it as do I.:cool: :cool: :chef:
daisy said:
Basil, Borage, Chervil, Chives, Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Garlic, Marjoram, Rosemary, Tarragon

Good heavens, Daisy - that is awesome!!

Maurice - I've been cooking with (Indian) spices for about 30 years.Like Socrates, I know that the only thing I know is that I know nothing!!

I'd try one thing at a time, to be honest. If I had to give just ONE piece of advice about herbs and spices, I'd say:
"Use a little at a time"
That's incredible Daisy! Thank you very much. Will definitely copy and paste. Er, what other lists have you compiled I'm wondering?:-p
Chopstix, I have compiled many charts of the kind - for using herbs, measurement conversions, temp conversions, edible flowers, nutrients in herbs, alternative names for herbs, herbs during pregnancy, herbs for dyes, herbs for aromatherapy. In fact - you name it!! Anything to do with cooking or herbs, really, where a ready-reference is required. They are parts of books I've written. (not yet published)

Kitchenelf, I notice you have edited my post, but I can't figure out how or why? Could you explain, please?
Wow, Daisy, I'll have to use that for a reference! I grow a good herb garden, and for most tastes (i.e., when I'm not doing a specific ethnic cuisine) I considere thyme, sage, and garlic to be a combo that can't be beat for poultry, fish, or pork. With beef or lamb I'll look for stronger flavors. My family loved my tourtiere compared to others they've had for just that combination of flavors.
Spices intrigue me

Hi Daisy, thank you for a great reply.:chef: I printed the entire thread (13 pages) and hope that all words display. I did not find a print button for this site, so I used mine that covers the entire display including the lost space to the left - may cut off a word on the right. In any event, I will interpolate, if necessary. NOTE: I too write books and file them as private BLOGS - mine are mostly associated with genealogy, music and politics. Thanks again.
That sounds interesting Maurices. You should put a link to your blogs. - Sorry I know thats O/T but music and politics interest me ;))

Hello Maurices
How much spices u put in food and what goes together is a matter of taste, usually.
What to do, if u have been too heavy handed, with the spices.
Well, this depends on what u are cooking. Eg, with Indian food, u can add cream or coconut milk.

If there is something in particular u are cooking, why not post it here, and people can comment about amounts and combinations of spices.

I agree with Mel, that it's often a matter of taste. Every cooking tradition has its own "standard" herbs and spices that are used and paired in certain ways, and the choices and pairings will be different for another tradition. You may think of cloves as a pumpkin pie spice, and someone else may think it belongs in hot sauce!

The American Herb Society has a lot of nice info. on growing and using herbs (mostly a cross between the British and Mediterranean traditions). Fresh herbs give a special "oomph" that dried ones don't.


Good luck!

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