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Yes, It's Wednesday here too. It's been rather a long Wednesday. Ian was first on the list. I phoned at 11.00a.m...still in surgey. 2.00p.m. ..not back to the recovery room yet. 4.00p.m. same! Also the Ward Clerk kept telling me that I could have no information by telephone because of confidentiality; even though I pointed out I was next of kin.
Our daughter phoned and 'gave them a piece of her mind!'
The Ward Sister phoned me at 5.00p.m. . She said that Ian was back on the ward, was conscious and comfortable. They had not been able to do the keyhole surgery.
Imagine my delight when Ian phoned me himself a little later ( from his bedside) The prostate was too enlarged to remove by keyhole . His Consultant had been to see him and told him that all had gone well except it had taken longer because of having to revert to open surgery. Ian said he was very sore but relatively pain free.
A friend of our has said that he is coming tomorrow to take to and bring me home from the hospital. Everyone has been so overwhelmingly kind ( including all you DC's:) ) I am able to drive there myself but others are so generously trying to ease the burden; it's a gift to have such friends.
I shall see him tomorrow. That's all the news for now.
Thanky-you all for your kindness.:)
Wow that is great that he could talk to you today! My father had the keyhole surgery, but sounds like recovery was not as good as your DH! Go your DH! And so quick coming home too! Well, that is where he will heal the best. I am so pleased. He'll need to seriously take it easy and be loved lots, so let others do the driving, get some good healthy food in for him and prepare to spoil him.
Not for a few more days yet Lulu but believe me when he does come home he will be cherished. Not to the point of claustrophobia though. We'll just go at his pace and with his needs and likes or dislikes.I don't want him to feel 'hemmed in' it won't help his recovery.
Csalt, I feel your relief, and I am relieved, too!! What a great news!! Now relax and treat yourself to something nice!!;)
Oh goodness - my prayers, good vibes, & wishes are winging their way to you "over the pond".

My dad just this week got out of hospital due to prostate problems & I know how worrying this is.

My best thoughts are definitely with you!
Just phoned the hospital a short while ago. Our daughter's words must have been taken on board as the Ward Sister came on the line to say that he'd had a reasonable night and was out of bed eating his breakfast!

I'll be seeing him this afternoon. Still sitting here in my dressing gown at the moment 8.45a.m. Must head for the shower.
This is such a good place to visit when you havn't slept well. Always warm, friendly and inviting. Just like a home :)
Great news csalt.
he'll be home before you know it. Good thoughts, and prayers too on their way...

great news, csalt!
My Dad survived all this very well two years ago, so I'm sure everything will be allright soon!
Visited today and was truly amazed at how well he looks. Good colour back in his face and all the lower back pain has gone. There's even a mention of him coming home at the weekend! It is just truly wonderful:)
My prayers are with you and your DH as well. As has been said, there are amazing things going on in the treatment of cancer. Keep your chin up. Things will go well.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Yesterday the Consultant said he was going to discharge him today.
He was desperately tired, not sleeping at night due to the noise. He was also finding movement from bed to chair etc rather shaky and very painful.
He was to be sent home by ambulance as I said I couldn't possibly take the risk of trying to assist him into the car in that shaky state. If he slipped between car and pavement I couldn't pick him up and he could rip his stitches as well. However he phoned this morning to say that they were keeping him in at least another day as they found his haemoglobin was very low and he had a temperature. He had a better night though as they gave him a sleeping tablet. He said he felt altogether more human today but he was still immensely drowsy. He only had the op 4 days ago. Apparently they like to discharge them as quickly as possible because of the risk of this dreadful MRSA bug. He may now come home tomorrow although I don't think he will mind too much if it is Monday instead.
It's such a HUGE relief to know that all went well and they are fairly optimistic that there isn't any cancer left behind.

Your kindness in not forgetting him is truly appreciated:)
csalt, thanks for letting us know how he is doing. If he is running a temp it's best for them to keep him a day or two more. It's best to be cautious. So, happy for you that things look so well and he will be home soon.Continued prayers for his complete recovery.

They've kept him in again today as the haemoglobin is still too low. They are probably going to give him a transfusion tonight more blood tests tomorrow and review it again than. He's in the best place. He is doing 'laps' of the ward regularly now to get some exercise and eating a little better.:)

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