TGI, Friday 6/5 "Feed Me, Seymour!"

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Tonight's Crab Cakes Fried in Butter, Mac 'n Cheese (Kraft Singles), Stewed Tomatoes, Buttered Carrot...

Not my best presentation, but I was HUNGRY !:angel:

Crab Cakes.jpg
Tacos with pork cubes in green chili braise. Condiments were salsa, pickled red onions, sour cream and cilantro leaves. Sides black beans and rice.

SO thinks Cilantro may be her favorite summer vegetable. Luckily, there is plenty growing in the garden right now.

We had marinated grilled chicken fajitas, Cheryl J's almost black bean/ corn salad, minus bell peppers and tomatoes could almost be declared a garnish (forgot to buy more). Also guac, salsa, tostitos corn chips. Lime spritzers ( sparkling h2o w frozen limeade and lime slices. )
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Supporting the local pizza joint, not so much because we like their pizza but we love their calzones. While we usually get a cheese steak one, we thought we'd try the pastrami one instead. It's good, but it won't be pushing cheese steak out of first place. ;) I made garden salads while Himself did the contactless pick-up thing again. Fruit salad with ice cream layer, after we get my dryer working again.

Dinner was later than usual tonight, as SC was attending online Temple services till 7pm. I found I can actually still get a great dinner on the table alone and it was fun.
Grilled swordfish, along with Asian pork ribs, my Pineapple Salsa, loaded little gold potatoes, and spinach salad. Yumm Yumm...
Hagen Das Spirits ice cream for later...


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I'm having a migraine, so I kept supper simple. I made a salad and some ranchoid dressing. I put that on the table with some stuff to be added to taste: hard cooked eggs, chorizo, and feta. I also put out a small plate of EVOO and balsamic vinegar for dipping slices of wholegrain baguette into. We had it with rosé wine. That was really tasty and not more effort than I could manage while having a migraine.
taxy, I hope that you and your head feel better soon.

...and spinach salad...
Looks good, Kayelle. I did notice a bottle of Girard's salad dressing. I love their light champagne vinaigrette. Sadly, I cannot find that brand of dressing near us. Instead, I "import" a few bottles when we visit the kids. Just so long as I don't get caught crossing the state line, I should be ok, right? :LOL:
taxy, I hope that you and your head feel better soon.

Looks good, Kayelle. I did notice a bottle of Girard's salad dressing. I love their light champagne vinaigrette. Sadly, I cannot find that brand of dressing near us. Instead, I "import" a few bottles when we visit the kids. Just so long as I don't get caught crossing the state line, I should be ok, right? :LOL:

For me, there's just nothing on the market (or homemade either) that can beat Girard's Spinach Dressing CG. It's hard to find here too. There's a market 15 miles from here, and I buy several bottles at a time there.:yum:
Pan fried Sugardale ham steak and steamed baby spinach.
I really like this brand ham better than the Cooks brand.
We love Sugardale hams, msm. The processing plant is about 12 miles from where Loverly has her condo. One Christmas when we were visiting, I decided to pick up a ham for New Year's. Except the best price I could find was about $3/pound. Meanwhile, the Market Basket store about 7 miles from our house (and about 600 miles from the Sugardale plant) sells them for about half that price - even cheaper when they actually ARE "on sale". I bought something different, then brought my own ($1.09/pound) ham in the cooler next holiday season. :LOL:

For me, there's just nothing on the market (or homemade either) that can beat Girard's Spinach Dressing CG...
I have never noticed a "Spinach Dressing", Kayelle. I will make a point of looking for it next time we're back in OH...whenever that is. *sigh*
It was HOT here yesterday, so we had a nice, cool dinner :cool:

I had made tuna salad for lunch Thursday, so we had the rest of that, with a garden salad and our first caprese salad of the summer, with fresh basil from the garden. Btw, the red stuff in the tuna salad is chopped chard stems.
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