The "Family" cookbook

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May 16, 2010
Dragged out all my recipe books today to look for vegetarian meals (and another "thank you to those who provided the delicious recipes for me to use when granddaughter arrives:) )
Came upon "The Family Cookbook" This is something that has never been published; it is a compilation of recipes from Irish/Autralian country women, my forebears.
For years, my sisters, cousins and other family members have swapped recipes which have been handed down from generation to generation. And if we needed something we had remembered as special, a phone call did it. "Oh, I haven't got one for that, but 'Cousin Suzie' is sure to have it." , and duly it would arrive, anything from instructions on how to make "Aunty Eileen's" special date loaf to my Mum's green mango chutney.

These are special recipes; part of our heritage, whether you be US citizens, folk from OZ or anywhere else in the world.
Would be nice to share if anyone is interested:)
Ooh - I'd love to see some good Irish recipes, if you're willing to share. Meat dishes, potato dishes, desserts.. whatever.
Sorry guys, that I've not responded and posted recipes for my family recipes; stuff like green mango chutney, pawpaw bake - my Mum's regular offering during the Depression in the 30s that turned my poor Dad off pawpaw forever..., grandma's wonderful Christmas pud and all the recipes I promised...but I just had surgery on my hand ...had to take it when it was offered... don't know what your public hosp system is like in US, but here in OZ, if it they say 'there is a cancellation' - you grab it.
Offerings here have been pretty ordinary of late as a result. But tonight I'm doing a pork and veg stir fry with caramilised pear in custard to follow
Whilst looking through the family recipes, I found great grandma's "Pick me up", no wonder they all died from heart disease etc. Here it is:

1 bottle of best port wine
1 bottle of sweet sherry
1 tin of Malt extract
1 small bottle of quinine ( from the chemist)
4oz Bovril**

Mix up and warm but not boil.
Pour into a clean bottle.

Dosage: A medicine glass full before going to bed if yuo cannot sleep.
1 tablespoon before each meal for general debility.
This is a never fail remedy.*

*The FDA might disagree:))) But they were fiesty old guys back then.
** Bovril is a brand name for a liquidified beef extract which has been around forever. It was a good stock type thingie long ago.

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