The Fridge (3 merged)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yes a self-cleaning refrigerator would be a blessing :) (as well as a built-in trap for those freezer mice that sneak in and eat your haggen-daas in the middle of the night).

Well, it's funny this should come up now when I'm right in the middle of reading The Fountainhead, as technology design isn't much different that archetecture. It's strictly a "give the public what it want's" propisition.

Here are my personal likes/dislikes about current refrigerators, along with what I would like to see in future models :

1. I like those ice/water dispensers in the door, mainly because I've never owned one. My wife, on the other hand, hates them, regailing me with stories of constant problems and bacterial issues.

2. I would like to have a dual thermometer built into the doors (one for the fridge and one for the freezer) to monitor temps.

3. I would like a light bulb that's actually EASY to change.

4. I would like a temperature control panel that dosen't get in the way of storage.

5. I would like a rail on the inside of the door that dosen't pop off and spill everything across the floor every time you accidently whang into it with your shin and start cussing.

6. Still on the door I would like a door actually deep enough to ACTULLY HOLD A #$%^# JAR OF PICKLES.

7. I would like adjustable or even removeable shelves in my freezer. The rack we have in our freezer dosen't move at all and won't come out.

I am not a fan of putting computers into things as I feel we are far too dependant upon them already, but there is no denying that they are, as they have been for many years, the toy of the future.

If you built a refrigerator with what essentially amounts to a PDA (with the little plastic pen thing) and an LCD screen into the door with a Wi-Fi connection you could:

A) Watch TV or a Food Network program while cooking. Add the capability to pause and rewind so one might "cook along".

B) Write out menu's or Recipe's, take phone messages, schedules and family memo's (Mom - Jane's at Soccer Practice. Needs a ride home at 3:00)

C) Store and pull up recipes.

D) Monitor Fridge/Freezer temps and have it alert you either vocally or by E-mail or Cell-Phone when there is a problem (I would reccomend a built in UPS for this in the event of a power failure)

E) By adding a Bar Code Scanner or perhaps an Inventory Chip Reader (such as they are experimenting with in grocery stores where you just push your trolly through the check stand and it rings the whole lot up at once) you can maintain a running inventory of what you have and perhaps it could create suggested shopping lists, suitible for printing on your PC.

Unfortuantnly someone has already come up with the idea of putting a video screen in the door of the fridge and a camera inside the door, so everytime you open the fridge it takes a picture of the contents so you can see what's in there without opening the door.

~ Raven ~
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Great ideas, Raven... I guess my only 'beef' is access (I don't like bending down to the floor and opening a drawer - which won't open unless the door is fully open). Maybe the crispers should have roller-doors something like roll-top desks or garage doors... but, even then, you're bending all the way to the floor and reaching all the way to the back of the unit.

The freezer-on-the-bottom styles are much better for that, and many new fridges have easily adjustable shelves.
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matthew9383 said:
thank you so much for all your input, im asking these questions because im a student and im designing a fridge for 2020, understanding whats inside a fridge is just one part of my research, cheers, mathew.

ut ooooo we just did his homework
oh... and...

I think you can see from the responses here that most people shop in different ways... so I think the key is flexibility. Shelves need to be easily manipulated. Closed 'compartments' (meat drawers, crispers, butter section) obviously need to be present and COULD have separate thermo- and hydro-static controls.

The front computer panel could house a data base in which one could access optimal storage conditions for each refrigerated produce item.
I love the refrigerators that have the freezers on the BOTTOM... cause... I don't use the freezer as much as the veggies.. so all the good stuff is right at eyes view...
I saw some new freezers with freezers at the bottom.. but they came with some drawer thing.. which I hated.. that was just something more that can break.

I also like.. refrigerators with SMUDGE proof doors.. and easy to clean moldings and.. the shelf containers on the door, that do not have those flimsy little clips that break... BUT the containers slide out easy so that it can be cleaned easy..... and.. what would be great would be a turn table on a shelf so that you can get easy access to the stuff in the back... and little cubby holes on the side of the regular refrigerator to store like stick butter or an onion or something :) and ohhh ya I like glass shelves:)
Well, there are many good suggestions here, as well as some good insights into how people think.

Like everybody, I agree that have flexibility with storage is a must. Easily adjustable shelves and drawers. Easy cleaning is a must.

I would like to see a unit that actually makes good crushed ice. I mean really finely-crushed ice, something that you only have to whiz through the blender for a few seconds to make a good pina colada. My MIL's refrigerator/freezer has an ice crusher on it, but I don't know how finely it crushes the ice.

I really like the idea of having the refrigerator automatically generate grocery lists, based on the inventory in the fridge. However, that's going to take a little work, as you can't really just do that by adding the totals of different chips, unless those chips have a way to measure volume/mass/count. If that could be figured out, you really need to make the system capable of being adjusted by the user for minimum par levels. For example, most folks wait until they run out of something before they buy it. However, since I'm a cook, and I have a large family, I tend to run my kitchen like a restaurant, so, I keep multiple quantities of some things around at all times, like butter, margarine, milk, ketchup, etc. When I get to the last container, I have hit the "minimum par" quantity, and automatically write that item down on a list I keep posted on my fridge.

If something this automatic grocery list generator came about, it needs to be flexible enough that the owner can tell the computer how many units of a particular item should be in stock at any given time, and when this "minimum par" or threshold is reached, it enters the item. For some folks, that's not a lot, but folks like me, it could get rather large.
He was a good run-stopper but lacked a little in the speed department.

Alix is looking at me funny. What?


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AllenMI said:
I really like the idea of having the refrigerator automatically generate grocery lists, based on the inventory in the fridge. However, that's going to take a little work.....

My parents can barely figure out their TV's remote control, cannot upload images from a digital camera. I think technology is way cool, but it's not for everybody. I think they need technology a la Fisher Price :ROFLMAO: .
Im single. I shop at MANY different locations. 2 places are bulk made only for someone that works for or owns a restarunt (even though I dont). I shop at a few hispanic places (Im not hispanic) and there is a wholesale place I get sushi grade seafood from. I also goto a grocery store that has many different ethnic sections. Mainly its an Italian place. There isnt a standard list of what I buy. I CAN tell you I never buy fruit. Not sure if any of this helps.
I'm glad I don't have a freezer on the bottom, or else our two year old would only eat ice cream.:-p He would constantly be in there, he's already constantly in the fridge but at least there is healthy stuff in there for him to eat. Not that all we have in our freezer is ice cream, but it would be all he had eyes for.:w00t2:
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