The Other Side of the Story-Say It Ain't So!

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Goodweed's thread of weird stuff you love to eat got me thinking about the other side of the story.

What generally popular foods that most everyone loves do you hate???

For me it's:


Most stuffed pastas (ravioli, tortellini, canneloni, stuffed shells, etc).

Mustard (exept for hot dogs and pastrami).
Interesting Andy M ----

I don't like mayo or anything that is made with it
I don't like tuna, lamb or veal
I don't care for soda
Not a huge fan of friend foods (except french fries)
Hmmm, that most people like?
Most of the people I know like sauerkraut, but I can only tolerate it with a hot dog or brat and lots of yellow mustard.
Most people I know like horseradish, but I won't eat it unless I'm making shrimp cocktail sauce with it, and then only if I am eating shrimp cocktail.
I don't eat yellow squash or sweet potatoes.... and most people I know do. I won't even eat the marshmallows off the top of whichever one it is that gets made that way.

miniman....... fish and chips? Are you serious? (lol)
I thought that was like the national food over there.....
Raw tomatoes. No way, no how. My mother used to think every little kid loved cherry tomatoes. I proved her wrong.

Cooked spinach. The smell makes me nauseous.
Beans, lamb, cooked cabbage, unless it's saurkraut, brussel sprouts, rutabega, califlower, calves liver (but love chicken liver),
canned meat - like spam, or cold cuts like head cheese, spiced ham, olive loaf (but love all kinds of olives) squash, anything curry, rare - like bloody, meat, limburger cheese - although I've never eaten it - can't get past the smell. That's typical stuff americans eat. Unusual stuff that Anthony Bordain or on Bizarre Foods -NO WAY!!!
scalloped potatoes, saurkrout (but I like the smell of it...),brussel sprouts, raw onions, or horse radish.....
chocolate & coffee.
used to love 'em, till caffeine began making me jittery. now i don't like thier aroma.
Hamburger (and any other food) Helper (gag!)

Bakery cakes (bland)

Wonder Bread (pasty)

Lamb (stinky)
Any kind of fish, ground beef (hamburgers, meatloaf), cooked spinach, stinky cheese. Lots of other stuff, too, but I'm not sure it's stuff that most people like.
May I add another to my list?

I hate Smores'! I can eat a graham cracker alone, I can eat a piece of chocolate alone, I can eat a marshmallow alone, but don't ask me to put the three together. The taste just doesn't do anything for me. Yuck!
ketchup .. but like heinz 57 ..

Me too, "Q". I was allergic to tomatoes as a child and even though I grew out of it I never got a taste for ketchup or similar sauces. I really don't like too much with cooked tomatoes though I will eat a bit of lasagna or spaghetti if is is cooked right (I would rather have a cream sauce).

Shellfish make me gag

Most BBQ sauces

any milkshake flavour other than vanilla or pineapple - seriously!

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