The Person Below Me

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how could I be me if i didn't like a good run on sentence once or twice every day?

will come help me decorate since I can't seem to make myself
its early yet.... you'll get there. I'm not there yet either but the kiddos are.

TPBM will wish me extra warmth while I run out to the mailbox.
I just finished crocheing a blanket... you may use it!

is going to run very quickly!
i did and i'm back.

TPBM just found a suprise little profit sharing check in the mail that will help fix the oops at the grocery store last week.
This year we might. MIL is doing a Christmas EVE dinner for 35 people... I'm not sure what she's making but I'm bringing meatballs and lemon cookies and mini lemon cupcakes

has already started gaining holiday FAT!!!!!
nope. not yet. it starts with the cookies..... which I was gonna start this week....

TPBM is excited about secret santa.
I am... if we are doing the white elephant I have a gift picked out for a man and a woman already...depending on whose name I get!

is also excited and really wants to know what the rules are
yeah that would be great. I should start either way....

TPBM thinks hand-made stuff will be ok.
I love hand made.. and part of my package is homemade..but made by my aunt not by me.

is ok with that fact
i am totally fine!! :)

TPBM is making pb&j for dinner because they are a lazy bum. :(
no but I am just warming up turkey soup..just putting it in the microwave

will make a five star dinner tomorrow
yeah I'll make the cordaon bleu i wanted but NOT in a casserole.... REAL DEAL!

TPBM has trouble making diners that reheat well enough for the picky 8pm dinner eater in the house!!!!!
naw I just plan dinner for the guy who comes home at 8 or 9 every night

wishes hubby worked a 9 - 5 like a normal person
sometimes. but then i couldn't work as much and get a break from the zoo.

TPBM is ready for comfy pants. :)
not as many as i used to, i ripped a bunch when i was fat(ter)

TPBM would rather stick with diapers another year than potty train again!!!!!
can I skip both of the above choices please... I think Paul would look silly in diapers and very silly on a tiny potty!

thinks I've lost my marbles and should take a break!

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