The Person Below Me

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I haven't seen my toenails any longer than 2 minutes for about 3 months!!!!

TPBM needs a haircut.
no... but I am STILL getting over the one before the one before that.....
(I cried and didn't get another cut for almost 2 years....)

TPBM would like to be able to afford a fru-fru hair guy again.....
yep. I opened a bag of guittard choc chips to shut up crabby girl!!!

TPBM has a BAD hair day if the bangs get wet.
nope. all scooped according to "procedure"!
(oh, you weren't talking about work.....)

TPBM isn't sure that icicles should be hanging from oak trees......
no i'm still warm from playing with the shovel.

TPBM has someone decorating the tree for them but will have to re-arrange after bedtime.
lol no... and I couldn't do that when "he" was little either because he would always remember and put things back in the "right" places.

sometimes wishes they would grow UP!

TPBM knows better than I that I shouldn't be in such a hurry.
I was just thinking about trying to get one hubby to take a nap

is staying home tomorrow
I do and I shall have one after it gets nice and dark.

should be thinking about dinner

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