The Person Below Me

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Well, I actually hate snakes too, so it was an unfair question. I worked with a guy who had a boa constrictor and one day for some stupid reason he brought it to work. He sat at the computer with it around his neck until one of the bosses told him to put it in its cage and if he ever brought it again he would be fired on the spot!

TPBM wants to write a book some day.
We have a 96 neon with well over 100,000 on it and a lot of bumps and bruises but until recently we loved it. I don't drive much at the moment and I am finding the low seats and wide doors (a 2 door) make it really hard for me to get in and out of. We are hoping to get a van one of these days....will help with the catering as well.

TPBM is a very funny person when they want to be
only after six or seven beers.. and then I only make myself giggle!

gets upset when they see people littering
gets upset when they see people littering
I get extremely upset! In fact, whenever my daughter or nephew (and even my students, when I was teaching) would pick something up off the ground, I told them that it was their trash now, so find a trash can. We are always picking other people's trash up. The roads out here are so bad--That is one of the things I miss about California--they enforce the litter laws much better. They don't enforce them here at all.

Okay, off of my soapbox!

TPBM likes to go metal detecting (or would like to try it, if he/she hasn't already done it).

I have never tried it but if it means I can find enough money to lease an actual space for my catering I'm game!

TPBM uses Vista operating system and isn't impressed.
I do use Vista... and I've never had an ounce of trouble with it. I like it very much.

would like to know more about how the computer really works.
ME, ME, ME. I'm no techno wizzard, don't want to be, but practical application would help. alot of buttons/keys I don't use. I don't know why they are there.

TPBM just started living w/ significant other.
No, I've been there for almost 11 years now.

would like to have a new kitchen built
for them.
I do, but I rarely have one - too hard to get in and out of the tub these days! (Probably more information than you wanted to know!)

TPBM is allergic to spring (as in the flowers).
OH yes I do. Black raspberry in place of the strawberry ice cream. Yum


Loves to watch reruns of Lost in Space
LOL I had never seen it until last year, but we bought the 1st and 2nd season on DVD (we may have all of them now--not sure). :)

TPBM is watching "So You Think You Can Dance."

Happily no. I have not watched it and don't intend to start.....unless they put it on Food Network.

TPBM hums ABBA songs!
nope, no breakfast yet. too busy during the morning kiddie zoo!!!

TPBM has had some coffee.

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